pharyngitis Pharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane, submucosal tissue, and lymphoid tissue of the throat and can manifest as a foreign body sensation, itching, burning, dryness, and pain in the throat. Common causes include bacterial and viral infections, as well as factors such as dust, harmful substances, allergens, excessive fatigue, and overuse of the voice.

Pharyngitis Overview

Pharyngitis is an inflammatory condition of the pharyngeal mucosa, submucosal tissue, and lymphoid tissue, which can manifest as a sensation of foreign body, itching, burning, dryness, and pain in the throat and pharynx. Common causes include bacterial and viral infections. Additionally, exposure to dust, harmful substances, or allergens, as well as excessive fatigue and overuse of the voice, can also lead to pharyngitis.

Types of Pharyngitis

Based on the course of the disease, pharyngitis can be classified into acute and chronic inflammatory diseases:

Acute types include acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis, acute epiglottitis, and acute laryngitis.

Chronic types include chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic laryngitis, and reflux pharyngitis.

Based on the different affected areas, pharyngitis can be categorized as:




Laryngitis and pharyngolaryngitis.

Professional Treatments for Pharyngitis

Acute Pharyngitis

For mild symptoms, oral antiviral drugs or antibiotics can be used based on the cause. Additionally, gargling with oral cleansers that have antiseptic properties can be applied locally.

For severe throat pain accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, blood tests and throat swab cultures to identify pathogens are recommended. Treatment should primarily target the cause, and may require intravenous systemic antiviral drugs or antibiotics, along with supportive and symptomatic treatment.

Chronic Pharyngitis

Attention should be given to a light diet, maintaining good habits such as quitting smoking and drinking, and enhancing the treatment of chronic systemic diseases. Gargling with compound boric acid solution, furacilin solution, compound chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse, and the use of iodine throat lozenges, mint lozenges, and Chinese patent medicine lozenges can help alleviate symptoms. It is not recommended to use laser, low-temperature plasma, cryotherapy, or electrocoagulation to treat chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis clinically.


For acute tonsillitis, which is mostly caused by bacterial infections, patients should rest in bed, consume liquid diets, increase fluid intake, and improve nutrition. Depending on the severity of symptoms, oral or intravenous administration of antibiotics, and the discretionary use of corticosteroids can be considered. Antiseptic gargles such as compound boric acid solution, compound chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse, and 1:5000 penicillin gargle can be used. In cases of severe throat pain or high fever, oral analgesics and antipyretics are recommended.

For patients with recurrent episodes and complications, tonsillectomy should be performed after acute inflammation subsides.

Reflux Pharyngitis

Maintaining good dietary and lifestyle habits, such as avoiding tight clothing, maintaining an upright position after meals, quitting smoking, and avoiding stimulating foods such as alcohol, strong tea, coffee, and cola, while eating small, frequent meals, are essential. Pharmacological treatment such as proton pump inhibitors for acid suppression is recommended, and prokinetic agents may be added if necessary. In cases of recurrent symptoms after discontinuing medication, or when severe acid reflux affects daily life, leading to symptoms such as difficulty breathing, endoscopic gastropexy surgery can be performed to reduce reflux.

Gonococcal Pharyngitis

The treatment of gonorrhea requires early diagnosis and timely treatment, with regular and adequate drug dosages. Treatment options may include oral ofloxacin, oral ciprofloxacin, intramuscular ceftriaxone, and intramuscular cefixime, along with the use of anti-inflammatory gargles and antibiotic ointments for oral application.

Dietary Considerations for Pharyngitis

Dietary Guidelines

Moderate limitation of dairy and dairy products is recommended to avoid foods that may thicken phlegm, such as fatty meats and fried foods.

When experiencing difficulty swallowing or chewing, a soft or liquid diet is advised to facilitate swallowing or chewing.

If there are no other concurrent diseases, increasing fluid intake moderately is recommended to replenish body fluids, dilute phlegm, and facilitate expectoration.

Dietary Restrictions

Avoiding stimulating foods such as strong tea, coffee, and cola, as well as overeating and eating before bedtime, is advised.

Lifestyle Considerations for Pharyngitis

Ensuring an adequate amount of sleep and rest, engaging in physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and disease resistance, avoiding excessive use of the voice, refraining from smoking and drinking, and avoiding tight clothing, as well as refraining from vigorous exercise after meals, are important considerations.

Other Considerations for Pharyngitis

Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is recommended, and attention should be paid to oral hygiene, maintaining good dietary and lifestyle habits, improving the work environment, and ensuring fresh indoor air. Individuals working in dusty environments should strengthen their protection.

For individuals experiencing throat pain, adjusting their physical condition, controlling voice usage, minimizing talking, allowing the vocal cords to rest, resting in bed, consuming liquid diets, increasing fluid intake, and improving nutrition are recommended.