Stomach ache Stomach ache is a common clinical symptom, often occurring in the upper abdomen. The causes of stomach pain are complex and diverse, mainly attributable to gastric diseases (such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, etc.), and can also be related to other conditions (such as pancreatitis, etc.). In addition, psychological factors and other reasons can also cause discomfort or pain in the stomach.

Stomach Pain Overview

Stomach pain is a common symptom in clinical practice, often occurring in the upper abdomen. The causes of stomach pain are complex and varied, mainly due to stomach-related diseases (such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, etc.), and can also be caused by other diseases (such as pancreatitis, etc.). In addition, psychological factors and other reasons can also cause discomfort or pain in the stomach.

What are the types of stomach pain?

According to the classification of pain, it can be divided into acute stomach pain and chronic stomach pain.

According to the classification of population, it can be divided into pediatric stomach pain and adult stomach pain.

Pediatric Stomach Pain

Pediatric stomach pain is mostly acute, often caused by stomach damage due to accidental ingestion or trauma, and in very few cases, it may be due to gastrointestinal malformations. Due to the limited ability of children to express themselves, it may manifest as restlessness, crying, refusal to eat, vomiting, and reluctance to engage in activities.

Adult Stomach Pain

It can manifest as acute or chronic stomach pain. Acute stomach pain is mainly caused by acute gastroenteritis, gastric perforation, gastric ulcers, and in rare cases, it may be due to gastric pain caused by severe vomiting or ingestion of irritating or corrosive food or drinks. Chronic stomach pain is often caused by chronic gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and some stomach pain may be a sign of gastric cancer.

How does stomach pain occur?

The occurrence of stomach pain may be due to the stimulation of stomach nerves or may be due to the misinterpretation of damage to adjacent organs as stomach pain. It is often divided into direct stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and indirect stimulation of other organs.

Direct stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach pain caused by the stimulation of stomach nerves by food, drugs, or diseases.

Indirect stimulation of other organs

Pain around the stomach caused by peripheral diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc., is often mistaken for stomach pain.

What should be considered in the diet for stomach pain?

Overall, it is important to eat regularly and at scheduled times to maintain a normal rhythm of digestion. For stomach pain caused by gastric ulcers, it is advisable to eat small meals frequently during the active phase of the ulcer, with 4-5 meals a day, and to avoid snacks between meals and eating before bedtime to regulate gastric acid secretion.

Once the symptoms of stomach pain are under control, it is important to return to a normal eating pattern as soon as possible. Avoid overeating to prevent excessive expansion of the gastric antrum. When eating, chew slowly and avoid eating in a hurry, as chewing can increase saliva secretion, which has a diluting and neutralizing effect on stomach acid.

Dietary recommendations

Choose nutritious and easily digestible foods. Except for cases of bleeding or severe symptoms, there is generally no need to prescribe a special diet plan.

For patients with severe symptoms, a diet mainly consisting of soft wheat products is recommended, as they are soft and easily digestible, and the alkaline content can effectively neutralize stomach acid. If not accustomed to wheat products, soft rice and porridge can be used as substitutes.

Moderate consumption of skimmed milk, 1-2 cups per day is sufficient, preferably consumed between meals, but the calcium in milk can stimulate gastric acid secretion, so it should not be consumed excessively.

Dietary restrictions

Avoid consumption of mechanically and chemically stimulating foods.

Mechanically stimulating foods refer to raw, cold, hard, and high-fiber vegetables and fruits, such as onions, leeks, celery, etc.

Chemically stimulating foods include rich meat soups, coffee, strong tea, and condiments such as chili, vinegar, etc.

What lifestyle habits should be considered for stomach pain?

Regular routine

Develop a regular schedule for rest and sleep, and early to bed, early to rise.

Increased physical exercise

Physical exercise can enhance physical fitness, establish good emotions, improve the function of the cerebral cortex, and provide active rest for fatigued brain cells, and can effectively prevent and treat peptic ulcers.

What other considerations are there for stomach pain?

In the event of acute stomach pain, do not panic and let the patient rest quietly.

If the stomach pain is severe and cannot be relieved, accompanied by vomiting blood, bloody stools, severe vomiting, and other discomfort, immediately contact emergency services (e.g., 120) to transfer to the hospital emergency room.