Eating These 8 Foods Will Make You Glow with Radiant Beauty!

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-11 TCMCB
Abstract:Whether for women or men, good skin always makes a person look more energetic, handsome, and beautiful. Therefore, to achieve good skin, attention to diet is crucial. Let's take a look at what foods are good for the skin and what fruits to avoid for unhealthy skin. Interested friends, come and find out more!

Whether for women or men, good skin always makes a person look more energetic, handsome, and beautiful. Therefore, to achieve good skin, attention to diet is crucial. Let's take a look at what foods are good for the skin and what fruits to avoid for unhealthy skin. Interested friends, come and find out more!


Foods Good for the Skin

1. Jujube

Jujube is the best food for nourishing blood and qi, and it's a favorite among many women. Eating jujubes regularly can invigorate the spleen and nourish the blood, resulting in a radiant and glowing complexion. Jujube can be consumed by making porridge, tea, or pastries, and eating three to five jujubes at a time is beneficial for the skin.

2. Longan

Longan is also a good choice for nourishing the blood, especially in the autumn, which is the best time for blood nourishment. Combining longan with rice to make porridge can help women maintain abundant blood and a radiant complexion, resulting in smoother and more delicate skin.

3. Goji Berries

Goji berries enhance the body's immune function, inhibit tumors, lower blood sugar and blood lipids, and have anti-fatigue effects due to their rich bioactive substances. Research on the pharmacological effects and clinical applications of goji berries has made significant progress in recent years. However, despite the important immune-regulating effects of goji berries, there is still much to be studied about their mechanisms.

4. Pig's Blood

Pig's blood contains essential inorganic salts for the human body, especially rich in iron, with 45mg of iron per 100g, almost twice as much as pig liver (25mg of iron per 100g) and significantly higher than carp and beef. Therefore, women should include pig's blood in their diet after childbirth to prevent and treat iron-deficiency anemia and to enhance nutrition, which is beneficial for the body.


5. Pig Liver

Pig liver is rich in vitamin A and C, with 10,000 international units of vitamin A and 20mg of vitamin C per 100g. It also contains protein, fat, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. These nutrients are beneficial for health, and pig liver is known for its blood and iron-nourishing, liver-tonifying, and postpartum anemia prevention effects.

6. Black Fungus

Black fungus contains protein, sugar, and is particularly rich in calcium, phosphorus, and iron, with 100mg of iron per 100g of fresh black fungus, and 185mg of iron per 100g of dried black fungus, which is seven times the iron content of pig liver.

7. Lean Meat

Various types of lean meat contain a certain amount of iron. Although the content is not comparable to animal livers, the utilization rate of iron is similar to that of pig liver. Lean meat is also convenient to purchase and offers a wide variety of cooking methods, making it easily accepted by children.

8. Egg Yolk

Eggs are also a good choice for iron supplementation, with 7mg of iron per 100g of egg yolk. Although the human body only absorbs 3% of the iron in eggs, eggs are easily obtained, convenient to consume and store, and contain other nutrients, making them a good supplementary food source for iron for infants and young children.


Fruits to Avoid for Unhealthy Skin

1. Pomegranate

Experts suggest that pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, which helps with sun protection and skincare. The tannic acid and other polyphenols in pomegranates can combat free radicals, protect the epidermis, and contribute to full, soft, and smooth skin. Nutritionists recommend consuming a pomegranate every week.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries contain almost more antioxidants than any other food. Antioxidants help protect the skin from free radical damage caused by sun exposure, emotional stress, or excessive exercise. Experts recommend consuming blueberries daily to prevent skin aging, wrinkles, and other issues caused by skin cell damage.

3. Tomatoes

The lycopene in tomatoes protects the collagen in the skin, preventing it from peeling off. Research in Germany found that lycopene helps smooth wrinkles and keeps the skin tender and smooth, while regular consumption of tomatoes also reduces the appearance of dark circles.

4. Watermelon

Watermelon is not only refreshing and delicious, but also rich in vitamin C, lycopene, and potassium. It helps regulate the body's water balance, providing cells with sufficient nutrients and keeping the skin moisturized.


5. Apples

The antioxidant quercetin in apple peel protects the skin from shortwave ultraviolet damage. Therefore, on sunny days, in addition to applying sunscreen, it's also a good idea to eat an apple before going out.

6. Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which can interfere with melanin production, prevent pigment deposition, maintain fair skin, and help eliminate freckles.

Good skin is achieved through a healthy diet. What you eat ultimately becomes nutrients that contribute to your skin. If you enjoy the foods mentioned above, that's great. If not, there's no need to force yourself!
