Lumbar disc herniation intermediate frequency pulse therapeutic apparatus
The intermediate frequency therapeutic apparatus, also known as the low-frequency modulated intermediate frequency therapeutic apparatus, is a device that uses intermediate frequency current to treat diseases. Compared to low-frequency therapeutic apparatuses, intermediate frequency therapeutic apparatuses have a deeper effect and are easily accepted by the human body, generally without significant side effects or obvious stimulation to the local area. Its main effects include the following aspects: pain relief, promotion of local tissue blood circulation and lymphatic return, causing muscle contraction, which can exercise muscles, prevent muscle atrophy, improve the tension of smooth muscles, act on nerve ganglia and nerve segments, produce a reflex effect, and regulate the function of the autonomic nervous system. It can be used to treat lumbar disc herniation, effectively promoting local blood circulation, reducing nerve root swelling, and alleviating pain symptoms.
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  • Flagship model on the market
  • Professional cinema model
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