This can effectively prevent teeth grinding.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-05 TCMCB
Abstract:Many people experience teeth grinding during sleep in their daily lives. Why does this happen? What causes teeth grinding? How can it be prevented?

Many people are kept awake at night not by snoring, but by teeth grinding. Let's now take a look at the reasons for teeth grinding and the methods of prevention.


Causes of teeth grinding:

1. Excessive stress

If life and work stress is too high, it can lead to nervous tension, making it easy to grind teeth during sleep.

2. Weak emotional expression

Believe it or not, teeth grinding actually symbolizes the inability to express anger and hatred, representing a way of expressing emotions. Therefore, people who often grind their teeth may be trying to escape from certain subconscious pressures.

3. Irregular teeth alignment

Habits such as habitual chewing on one side of the mouth or resting the chin on one hand can lead to facial asymmetry and misalignment of the teeth.

4. Gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases can cause various problems, such as hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and can also lead to teeth grinding.

5. Unhealthy habits

Many people have the bad habit of eating supper late at night, which not only leads to weight gain but also adds a burden to the stomach, easily causing teeth grinding.


Best ways to prevent teeth grinding:

1. Try to relax before bed, especially before falling asleep. You can do some exercises, take a hot bath, or listen to soothing music.

2. Avoid stimulating foods and smoking, and improve the sleeping environment.

3. Try to avoid beverages or foods containing caffeine. Items like coffee, chocolate, and cola should be avoided as much as possible.

4. Eat more foods rich in vitamins.

5. Learn how to relieve stress, relax, and adjust your mindset.

6. Apply heat to the upper and lower jaws to relax the biting muscles and reduce the chances of headaches.
