Five dietary therapy recipes to help improve your vision

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-05 TCMCB
Abstract:With the prevalence of computers and mobile phones, more and more people are becoming nearsighted. In order to protect our fragile eyes, everyone needs to know what foods are good for the eyes and what vegetables are good for the eyes.

With the prevalence of computers and mobile phones in modern life, they have brought about great convenience but also pose health risks, the most direct of which is eye fatigue! So, what can be done to improve vision? Let's try using dietary therapy methods to address this.


1. Goji Berry and Crucian Carp Soup

Treatment: Myopia, blurry vision. Recipe: 1 crucian carp (about 2000g), 10g goji berries. Usage: Clean the crucian carp, remove the internal organs, and cook with goji berries to make soup. Eat the fish and drink the soup. Note: White fish or other fish can also be used instead of crucian carp.

2. Milk and Egg Drink

Treatment: Myopia. Recipe: 1 egg, 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey. Usage: Beat the egg, add it to heated milk, simmer over low heat until the egg is cooked, let it cool slightly, then add honey and consume.

3. Pork Liver and Egg Soup

Treatment: Myopia. Recipe: 150g pork liver, 1 egg. Usage: Clean the pork liver, slice it, stir-fry with oil, add cooking wine, bring to a boil with water, add the egg, a little salt, and consume.

4. Tremella, Goji Berry, and Jasmine Flower Soup

Treatment: Myopia due to liver and kidney deficiency. Recipe: 20g tremella, 20g goji berries, 10g jasmine flowers. Usage: Decoction of the above ingredients, drink as a soup once daily for several days.

5. Goji Berry and Pork Liver Stew

Treatment: Myopia, tearing in the wind. Recipe: 20g goji berries, 300g pork liver, a little cooking oil, scallion, ginger, sugar, cooking wine, a small amount of starch. Usage: Wash the pork liver, place it in a pot with goji berries, add an appropriate amount of water, cook for 1 hour, remove the pork liver and slice it. Heat the oil in a wok, stir-fry the pork liver slices with scallion and ginger, add sugar, cooking wine, a little of the original broth, thicken with starch, and serve when the sauce is clear.


What vegetables are good for the eyes?

1. Broccoli

Broccoli not only improves vision but also prevents cataracts. Broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin (a type of plant nutrient antioxidant in the carotenoid family). These substances are very beneficial to the lens. These carotenoids can protect eye cells from the pressure caused by free radicals.

2. Spinach

Eating a lot of spinach may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. This is due to the carotenoids—pigments found in green leafy vegetables and yellow vegetables. People who eat a lot of these vegetables every day have a 43% reduced chance of developing macular degeneration. Parents can give their children more vegetables, which not only supplements iron but also effectively prevents eye diseases.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are very nutritious, with vitamin C content equivalent to 2.5 pounds of apples, 3 pounds of bananas, or 4 pounds of pears. While cooking vegetables for about three minutes can cause a 5% loss of vitamin C, the loss of vitamin C in tomatoes after cooking is less than in other vegetables. It is calculated that eating two to three tomatoes per person per day can meet the daily needs for vitamins and minerals. Parents can prepare foods made from tomatoes for their children to nourish their eyes and stimulate their appetite.

4. Carrots

Carrots have two characteristics: they have a higher sugar content than other vegetables and have a sweet aroma; they also contain abundant carotenoids, which can be converted into vitamin A in the human body. Vitamin A can maintain the health of the eyes and skin. People suffering from rough skin, night blindness, dry eyes, and childhood rickets are due to a lack of vitamin A, especially children who need it more during their growth and development.

5. Soy Products

Soy products contain essential fatty acids, phytoestrogens, vitamin E, and natural anti-inflammatory agents beneficial to the eyes. Soy milk, soybeans, and tofu are beneficial for eye health. Foods rich in vitamin E, such as olive oil and cereals, are also beneficial for your eyes.
