Seven Eye-Protecting Foods that Effectively Preserve Vision

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-05 TCMCB
Abstract:With the increasing pressures of life and study, people are using their eyes more frequently, leading to frequent eye fatigue. Do you know how to take care of your eyes? Try these seven foods and tonic soups.

The eyes are the windows of the soul and an indispensable sense for us to see the world. Protecting our eyes is very important. So, do you know how to maintain healthy eyes? Let's take a look at these 7 foods and tonic soups.


1. Pay attention to supplementing Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, plays an important role in the formation of human vision. It participates in the synthesis of visual purple in the retina. If there is insufficient Vitamin A, the eyes' ability to adapt to dark environments may decrease, potentially leading to night blindness. Foods high in Vitamin A include animal liver, fish liver oil, caviar, whole milk and dairy products, and eggs. Beta-carotene in green and yellow vegetables, as well as fruits such as spinach, leeks, pea shoots, alfalfa, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, apricots, and mangoes, can also be converted into Vitamin A.

2. Consume a diet rich in calcium

Calcium acts as a "protector" for eye tissues. Calcium deficiency in the body can not only cause reduced elasticity of the retinas, increased pressure in the lenses, and elongation of the anteroposterior diameter of the eyeballs, but can also lead to degenerative changes in the cornea and ciliary muscles, increasing the risk of visual impairment or myopia. Dairy products, legumes, mushrooms, dried fruits, and seafood are rich in calcium. Consuming them in combination with Vitamin D facilitates calcium absorption.

3. Selenium, zinc, and chromium as trace elements can improve the function of eye tissues and prevent visual impairment

Foods rich in selenium include animal liver, eggs, fish, shellfish, soybeans, mushrooms, asparagus, shepherd's purse, and carrots; foods rich in zinc include liver, kidney, seafood, dairy products, cereals, legumes, and nuts; foods with relatively high chromium content include beef, black pepper, brown rice, corn, millet, whole wheat flour, brown sugar, grape juice, and edible fungi.

4. Foods rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C can reduce the damage of light and oxygen to the lenses of the eyes, thereby delaying the onset of cataracts. Foods containing Vitamin C include bell peppers, tomatoes, lemons, kiwi fruit, hawthorn, and other fresh vegetables and fruits.

5. Pearl

Pearl contains over 95% calcium carbonate, as well as small amounts of magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide, and various amino acids such as leucine, methionine, alanine, glycine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid. Pearl has a sweet and salty taste and, when used in combination with borneol and amber to make "pearl powder," it can be applied to the eyes to inhibit the formation of cataracts.


6. Kelp

In addition to containing iodine, kelp also contains one-third mannitol. The thick "white frost" on the surface of dried kelp is mannitol, which has a diuretic effect and can reduce intraocular pressure. It has a good effect in the treatment of acute glaucoma. Other seaweeds, such as sea lettuce, also contain mannitol and can be used as auxiliary foods in the treatment of acute glaucoma.

7. Whole grains and fresh vegetables

Finally, it is important to consume more whole grains and fresh vegetables and reduce the consumption of sweets and desserts. The B vitamins and Vitamin C in whole grains and fresh vegetables have a protective effect on the eyes.


Eye-nourishing tonic soups:

1. Wind-expelling and itching-relieving eye-clearing porridge

Perilla leaf porridge: Cook glutinous rice to make porridge, and add 15g of perilla leaves when the rice is cooked. When the porridge thickens, it can expel wind, relieve itching, and promote clear vision.

2. Moistening and eye-clearing drink

Cassia seed and chrysanthemum drink: Take 6g of cassia seeds, 3g of chrysanthemums, and 6g of goji berries, infuse them with boiling water, and drink it as tea. It can clear the liver, moisten dryness, nourish blood, and promote clear vision.

3. Tonifying the liver and kidneys, nourishing essence and blood

Silverberry eye-clearing soup: Take 15g of Tremella fuciformis, 5g of goji berries, and 100g of chicken liver, add tapioca starch, cooking wine, ginger juice, and salt to make a soup. It can tonify the kidneys, clear the eyes, and relieve blurred vision.
