Do you have a weak stomach? Eat more pumpkins and millet.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-05 TCMCB
Abstract:Pumpkins contain abundant components such as carotene, vitamin A, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Even more precious is the carotene in pumpkins, which can reach around 3100 micrograms per 100 grams.


After material life improves, people's physical health is deteriorating. There are many minor ailments, and some people suffer greatly from stomach problems alone. Every time they eat something inappropriate, they experience discomfort in their stomach.

As a result, many people begin to pursue various stomach-nourishing methods, such as eating soda crackers, rice porridge, steamed buns, noodles, and so on. However, these stomach-nourishing foods are not truly effective, and consuming them in excess undoubtedly burdens the body's health.

Take soda crackers, for example. They do contain soda components, which are added to the flour in the form of sodium bicarbonate, neutralizing stomach acid. While this may seem reasonable, nutritionists do not recommend frequent consumption of such foods.

Aside from the alkaline components, these crackers also contain excessive fat, and eating too much of them does not have a stomach-nourishing effect. So what should we eat? Instead of consuming these unhealthy foods, it's better to make porridge with pumpkin and millet.

Pumpkin is a very common vegetable at this time of year and can be steamed, boiled, or stewed. If we want to make the most of pumpkin without waste, making porridge is the best option. Cooking the pumpkin thoroughly and drinking all the porridge ensures that we don't have to worry about the loss of nutrients from the pumpkin.

Moreover, pumpkins contain rich components such as carotene, vitamin A, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin E. The most precious component in pumpkins is the carotene, which can reach around 3100 micrograms per 100 grams.

The main function of this component is to help maintain eye health and also has excellent antioxidant properties. The polysaccharide dietary fiber in it can promote gastrointestinal metabolism, aiding in stomach nourishment, making it an excellent choice for health maintenance.

However, diabetic patients should not misunderstand this. Pumpkin is just a vegetable that has advantages in eye protection and does not have magical or powerful blood sugar-lowering effects. It is important for everyone to understand this distinction.


In addition, just having pumpkin is not enough. When making porridge, don't forget to add some millet. Millet has outstanding stomach-nourishing effects, especially for people with weak stomachs. It has less starch and more polysaccharides compared to rice, giving it an advantage in aiding digestion and nourishing the stomach. Furthermore, millet is a whole grain food, and older people who consume it can help protect their cardiovascular system.

In traditional Chinese medicine, millet is considered warm in nature and can benefit the spleen, stomach, and kidneys. Regular consumption can benefit spleen and stomach health, enhance the body's resistance, and offer other advantages. This combination of millet and pumpkin porridge enhances stomach nourishment, improves the stomach, and overall complexion, making it very suitable for people with weak stomachs.

Finally, the suggestion is to avoid adding too much sugar. High sugar content can reduce the stomach-nourishing effects of millet and pumpkin porridge. The healthiest way is to consume it without adding sugar.
