The three best foods for women to nourish Qi and blood.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-08 TCMCB
Abstract:What are the best foods for nourishing Qi and blood? So, how should women nourish Qi and blood? Female friends with blood deficiency can replenish blood through diet, medication, and exercise. Here are some ingredients suitable for women to nourish their bodies, for their reference and selection.


What are the best foods for nourishing Qi and blood? So, how should women nourish Qi and blood? Female friends with blood deficiency can replenish blood through diet, medication, and exercise. Here are some ingredients suitable for women to nourish their bodies, for their reference and selection.

1. Goji Berries: An increasing number of people consider it as a vegetable, with both flavor and health benefits. Every 100 grams of goji berries contain as much as 14.6 milligrams of iron. Additionally, they also contain various essential amino acids, copper, zinc, and other trace elements necessary for the human body. Apart from nourishing the blood, they can also enhance immune function and improve disease resistance.


2. Red Beans: Excellent for nourishing Qi and blood. Red beans can reduce edema and lower blood lipids. They are a good product for weight loss and nourishing Qi and blood. Additionally, every 100 grams of red beans contain about 9.8 milligrams of iron, a significant iron content not to be overlooked.


3. Black Fungus: Low in calories and high in fiber, every 100 grams of black fungus contains about 11 milligrams of iron. Besides nourishing the blood, its rich fiber and colloid content can promote gastrointestinal motility, increase satiety, and it is low in calories, making it a good ingredient for healthy weight loss.

To nourish blood, women should regularly consume iron-rich foods such as whole blood, animal liver, meat, shrimp, egg yolk, black fungus, and sesame.

They should also consume foods with blood-producing functions, such as bone broth, pork liver, beef liver, chicken liver, and goose liver. Additionally, while nourishing the blood, it is also necessary to consume more vitamins that promote iron absorption, such as vitamin A and vitamin C.

Research has shown that adding 50 milligrams of vitamin A and vitamin C to the diet can increase the absorption of iron by 3 to 5 times. The gastric mucosa is the main organ for absorbing iron from food. If the body lacks gastric acid, the absorption of iron becomes difficult. Therefore, people with a lack of gastric acid should pay more attention to supplementing vitamins.
