8 kinds of porridge that tonify the kidney and nourish Qi and blood, visible effects in fifteen days

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-09 TCMCB
Abstract:The deficiency of Qi and blood as well as kidney weakness are common health issues among modern people, especially prevalent in middle-aged and elderly individuals, those experiencing prolonged fatigue, and individuals with chronic illnesses. This article recommends some porridge recipes that both tonify the kidney and nourish Qi and blood, helping everyone to nurture their bodies through daily dietary adjustments.


1. Black Rice and Black Bean Congee

Efficacy: Both black rice and black beans are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which help tonify the kidney, nourish Qi and blood.

Method: Soak the black rice and black beans in advance, cook them with an appropriate amount of water, and optionally add a small amount of brown sugar or goji berries to enhance flavor and nutritional value.

2. Walnut and Sesame Congee

Efficacy: Walnuts and sesame seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, with the ability to tonify the kidney, nourish the brain, and nourish blood for a healthier complexion.

Method: Grind walnuts and black sesame into powder, cook with glutinous rice until the congee thickens.

3. Chinese Yam and Goji Berry Congee

Efficacy: Chinese yam tonifies the kidney and enriches essence, while goji berries nourish Yin and blood. The combination of the two has a good effect on tonifying the kidney and nourishing Qi and blood.

Method: Cook Chinese yam chunks with goji berries and glutinous rice to make congee, and add a small amount of rock sugar for flavor.

4. Red Date and Longan Congee

Efficacy: Both red dates and longan are excellent blood-nourishing ingredients. When combined, they enhance the blood-nourishing effect. Additionally, longan also warms and tonifies the kidney Yang.

Method: Cook pitted red dates and dried longan with glutinous rice to make congee, and optionally add a small amount of brown sugar.


5. Astragalus and Angelica Sinensis Congee

Efficacy: Astragalus tonifies Qi and stabilizes the exterior, while Angelica Sinensis nourishes blood and regulates menstruation. Cooking them together into congee has a significant effect on tonifying both Qi and blood.

Method: Decoct astragalus and Angelica Sinensis, cook with glutinous rice to make congee, and optionally add a small amount of brown sugar or honey.

6. Black Sesame and Walnut Congee

Efficacy: Both black sesame and walnuts tonify the kidney, enrich essence, and nourish Qi and blood. Black sesame is rich in nutrients such as fats, protein, and vitamin E, which can nourish the liver and kidneys, moisten dryness, and promote bowel movements; walnuts are rich in fatty acids, protein, and vitamins, which can tonify the kidney, nourish the brain, enhance intelligence, and calm the mind.

Method: Cook black sesame and walnuts with glutinous rice to make congee, which not only has a rich and fragrant taste but also has high nutritional value, making it an excellent choice for tonifying the kidney and nourishing Qi and blood.

7. Red Date and Goji Berry Congee

Efficacy: Red dates and goji berries are commonly used blood-nourishing ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine. Red dates can tonify the middle and benefit Qi, nourish blood, and calm the mind; goji berries can nourish the liver and kidneys, brighten the eyes, and moisten the lungs.

Method: Cook red dates and goji berries with glutinous rice to make congee, which not only has a sweet taste but also can replenish Qi and blood, nourish the liver and kidneys, and has a good effect on improving pale complexion and listlessness.


8. Pork Liver and Spinach Congee

Efficacy: Pork liver is rich in iron and vitamin A, which can nourish blood, benefit the liver, brighten the eyes, and moisten dryness; spinach is rich in nutrients such as chlorophyll and vitamin C, which can clear heat, detoxify, nourish Yin, and moisten dryness.

Method: Cook pork liver and spinach with glutinous rice to make congee, which not only has a delicious taste but also can nourish blood, benefit the liver, nourish Yin, and moisten dryness, and has a good effect on improving symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, and soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees.

The therapeutic congees that tonify the kidney and nourish Qi and blood are a simple and practical method of healthcare, suitable for those who hope to improve their physical condition through daily dietary adjustments. However, dietary therapy is not a panacea. For severe symptoms of kidney deficiency and Qi and blood deficiency, comprehensive treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor. By adopting a reasonable diet, a healthy lifestyle, and appropriate medical intervention, it is possible to effectively improve kidney deficiency and Qi and blood deficiency, and enhance the quality of life.
