What are the habits that cause oral ulcers?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-09 TCMCB
Abstract:We all know that many bad habits in life can lead to the occurrence of oral ulcers. Do you know what specific habits there are?

Oral ulcers are a frustrating condition, as they have a high recurrence rate. Do you know what causes oral ulcers?


1. Staying up late

Excessive fatigue and staying up late can lead to a weakened immune system, which is a common cause of recurrent oral ulcers.

2. Spicy Foods

Among the five flavors of diet, "spicy" is the most likely to cause internal heat. Typical foods include spicy hot pot and dishes with red oil. Therefore, it's advisable to consume fewer pungent and hot foods such as pepper, raw garlic, and scallions, as well as stimulating condiments like chili, vinegar, ginger, scallions, star anise, and curry.

3. Smoking

If the oral mucosa is accidentally bitten and one continues to smoke, it can easily lead to oral ulcers. The various harmful substances in nicotine can adhere to the damaged oral mucosa, interfering with and damaging the mucosa's self-repair, leading to ulcers.

4. Biting Lips, Cheeks, or Tongue

Some people have unconscious "habits" in daily life, such as biting their lips, cheeks, or tongue, which can easily inadvertently injure the oral mucosa with their teeth, leading to ulcers. It's important to correct the habit of biting lips, cheeks, or tongue.

5. Inadequate Toothbrushing

Brushing teeth in the morning and evening and rinsing the mouth after meals can effectively inhibit bacterial growth in the oral cavity and prevent the occurrence of oral ulcers. However, many people with oral ulcers tend to brush their teeth hastily due to pain, worsening the condition.


Most oral ulcers will heal spontaneously in 7-10 days. If they do not heal after two weeks or recur, it is necessary to visit a dentist. Treatment methods include local and systemic approaches. The purpose of local treatment is to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote healing. Topical medications such as analgesics, protective ointments, ulcer powders made from traditional Chinese medicine, and antibacterial mouthwash can provide temporary relief. For patients with severe or long-term symptoms that do not heal, systemic treatment with oral traditional Chinese medicine or immunosuppressants may be necessary.

During an oral ulcer episode, dietary and lifestyle habits should also be changed. Consume more fruits and vegetables and drink warm water; avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods and drinks to minimize irritation and pain; maintain a cheerful mood and good oral hygiene. In addition, research has shown that toothpaste with a high content of foaming agents (SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate) can easily lead to oral ulcers. Therefore, patients who frequently suffer from oral ulcers may consider switching to toothpaste that does not contain SLS or contains less SLS for oral hygiene.
