If drinking milk causes internal heat, what should I do?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-11 TCMCB
Abstract:Milk is rich in nutrients and can provide calcium, aid in beauty, and a warm glass of milk before bed can help improve sleep quality. Elderly individuals who regularly consume milk can also prevent osteoporosis. Most children today grow up drinking milk, as it is widely recognized as one of the most nutritious beverages. However, milk is not suitable for everyone. Some individuals may experience diarrhea after consuming milk, while others may feel "heaty" or experience internal heat.

Milk is rich in nutrients and can help supplement calcium, promote beauty, and improve sleep quality when consumed as a warm bedtime beverage. For the elderly, regular consumption of milk can help prevent osteoporosis. Most children are brought up drinking milk from an early age, as it is widely recognized as one of the most nutritious beverages. However, milk is not suitable for everyone; some people may experience diarrhea or increased body heat after consuming it. The reason for diarrhea after drinking milk may be dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. In such cases, switching to yogurt or consuming whole wheat bread alongside milk can help. If the discomfort persists, it's best to avoid milk altogether, as allergies or lactose intolerance can lead to serious consequences.


From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, milk is considered to have a neutral nature and a sweet taste, which is beneficial for nourishing the body, quenching thirst, and replenishing deficiencies. While milk is highly nutritious, consuming it at the wrong time can lead to symptoms of increased body heat. Drinking milk when the body is dehydrated or when the digestive system is not in a healthy state can easily lead to symptoms of increased body heat. Additionally, due to its high calcium and protein content and relatively low lactose content, drinking milk can lead to constipation.

In reality, milk can have health benefits in moisturizing the lungs and intestines, reducing heat, and facilitating bowel movements. If consumed by individuals in good health, it should not lead to increased body heat. If constipation occurs after drinking milk, adding a moderate amount of sugar or honey to the milk can help alleviate the dry stool.

So, what should one do if they experience increased body heat after drinking milk? Simply drinking more water, fruit juice, or soup after consuming milk can easily resolve this issue. If a child develops a rash after drinking milk, it is likely due to an allergy. In such cases, it is important to monitor the child's reactions. Mild reactions can be managed by gradually introducing powdered milk, whereas severe cases may require avoiding milk altogether and switching to soy milk or almond milk.

Although milk is highly nutritious and beneficial for the body, there are several precautions to keep in mind when consuming it:


1. Milk should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

While many people have milk for breakfast, consuming it on an empty stomach is not conducive to nutrient absorption. The stomach rapidly depletes the milk's protein, and its intestinal moisturizing effect can also lead to diarrhea. The best time to consume milk is approximately one hour after breakfast, after consuming starchy foods.

2. Milk should not be consumed while taking medication.

Consuming milk while taking medication is not conducive to nutrient absorption and may potentially react with the medication, reducing its effectiveness. In severe cases, it may even produce harmful substances. Therefore, it is best to avoid milk before and after taking medication.

3. Sugar should not be added to hot milk.

Some individuals may find milk lacking in sweetness and prefer to add sugar. While this is acceptable, it is best to add sugar when the milk is not at a very high temperature, and it is not advisable to add sugar to boiling milk. This is because certain components in milk may react with sugar, producing substances that are not easily digestible. Therefore, if you wish to add sugar, it is best to do so in warm milk.
