What are the manifestations of fatty liver? Early awareness leads to early prevention!

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-11 TCMCB
Abstract:In today's society, with the continuous improvement of the economy and the rise in living standards, people's dining tables have become more diverse and abundant. However, with the satisfaction of taste buds, many people have also begun to suffer from fatty liver disease. This is due to excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells, leading to pathological changes.

In today's society, with the continuous improvement of the economy and the rise in living standards, people's dining tables have become more diverse and abundant. However, with the satisfaction of taste buds, many people have also begun to suffer from fatty liver disease. This is due to excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells, leading to pathological changes. Fatty liver disease has gradually begun to pose a threat to people's health. It does not come suddenly. When the body shows the following four changes, it indicates that the liver has become fatty:


1. Feeling of fatigue

Feeling fatigued is a common symptom of fatty liver disease. The majority of fatty liver patients also have problems with obesity and high blood lipids. Obesity and high blood lipids can cause physical discomfort, such as elevated blood lipids and high blood viscosity leading to fatigue. When patients frequently experience fatigue, they should promptly seek medical examination. If it is caused by fatty liver, dietary improvements can be made, and medication can be used for treatment.

2. Redness in the palms

Patients with fatty liver disease may experience redness in the palms, showing congestion and redness in the areas of the palms. This is due to the dilation of capillaries in the palm area. When pressed, the palms can return to a white color, but the redness reappears after releasing the pressure.


3. Appearance of blood moles

When patients have fatty liver, it can lead to decreased liver function, affecting metabolism and digestive absorption. Normally, the body's estrogen can be metabolized by the liver and excreted. However, when liver function is compromised, estrogen cannot be properly metabolized, leading to its accumulation and causing venous dilation, resulting in the appearance of blood moles. There are various types of blood moles, and not all red marks on the body are blood moles. Red marks are the gathering of vital energy in the body, while true blood moles are formed due to the accumulation of estrogen, and the chances of fatty liver patients developing blood moles are relatively high. The appearance of these moles has a certain impact on health.


4. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes

Patients with fatty liver disease usually have symptoms of yellowing of the whites of the eyes, which is easily overlooked. This yellowing is caused by the disease and is sometimes not particularly obvious. When the level of bilirubin in the blood rises to a certain extent, the yellowing of the whites of the eyes becomes more pronounced.

Patients should avoid spicy, fried, and high-fat foods, and should also avoid staying up late. Their diet should mainly consist of light and healthy foods. Additionally, they can engage in outdoor activities such as running, skipping, and playing badminton to consume excess fat and thus control the development of fatty liver.
