This is how women over 30 should eat.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-03-08 TCMCB
Abstract:Thirty-year-old women are the most beautiful, as they have just cultivated a mature charm while maintaining a youthful appearance. To maintain this effect, dietary regulation is essential.

When a woman reaches thirty, it means saying goodbye to youth and becoming the backbone of the family. Everything needs to be taken care of, and signs of aging slowly begin to appear. In fact, women at the age of thirty are the most beautiful, as they have just cultivated a mature charm while maintaining a youthful appearance. To maintain this effect, dietary regulation is essential.

1.Eat one pound of vegetables a day, with staple foods being a mixture of "white and black":

Natural green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E, lycopene, flavonoids, and other antioxidants, which are crucial for maintaining youthful skin and have health benefits in preventing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is best to consume about 200 grams of dark green leafy vegetables daily. Additionally, regularly consume other vegetables and fruits rich in carotene, lycopene, and polyphenols. When preparing staple foods, cook porridge or rice by mixing dark-colored ingredients with white rice, such as purple rice, black sesame, red-skinned peanuts, black beans, and red beans, as they are rich in vitamin E and polyphenols.

2.Ensure sufficient calcium intake:

Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men. Milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, sesame paste, and green leafy vegetables are good dietary sources of calcium. Dairy products not only contain abundant calcium but also have high absorption rates, with yogurt being particularly beneficial for anti-aging. It is recommended to drink half a pound of yogurt daily, which can provide important nutritional benefits without causing protein excess or increasing the risk of chronic diseases.

3.Eat "coarse beans and potatoes" regularly, and consume less refined grains:

Pay attention to eating more vegetables and fruits to obtain more fiber. Insoluble fiber promotes intestinal peristalsis and prevents constipation, while soluble fiber binds with fat and cholesterol, reducing the risks of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver. It is advisable to regularly consume whole grains, legumes, and potatoes, reduce refined rice and flour intake, and make whole wheat steamed buns, coarse grain porridge, mixed rice, buckwheat noodles, etc., the main staple foods at home, with refined white rice occasionally.

4.Maintain a balanced protein intake:

Consume an appropriate amount of protein to ensure tissue repair without burdening the body with excess waste. Every tissue in the body, including hair, skin, muscles, bones, organs, brain, blood, nerves, and endocrine system, is composed of proteins. However, excessive protein intake accelerates aging. After consuming an excess of fish or meat in one meal, it is recommended to eat light foods in the next meal and reduce or avoid fish or meat the following day for balance.

5.Avoid "junk food" and opt for only three types of "healthy snacks":

Choose natural foods over highly processed foods. The health benefits of fresh natural foods always outweigh those highly processed. Avoid biscuits, sweet drinks, candies, snacks, chocolates, and puffed foods as much as possible, and opt for fruits, nuts, and yogurt as snacks. Despite being busy, try to prepare at least one meal using fresh ingredients and light cooking methods. This habit not only helps control weight but also prevents premature aging.

6.Maintain a balanced diet, ensure sufficient and comprehensive vitamin intake:

Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis in the skin, vitamin A is a key factor in the normal differentiation of epidermal cells, and the B vitamins regulate metabolism. Vitamin K prevents osteoporosis, while vitamin D helps prevent obesity. Consuming whole grains and legumes daily can increase B vitamins and vitamin E intake. Avoiding sunscreen and getting more vitamin D from outdoor activities, having an egg and half a pound of milk daily can provide a good amount of vitamin A and D. Consuming one pound of vegetables, half a pound of fresh fruits daily can meet the basic requirements for vitamin C and K.

7.Eat meat dishes three to four times a week, and have a small handful of nuts in the morning:

Youthful skin requires an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, with iron in hemoglobin being crucial for oxygen transport. Zinc is essential for cell regeneration and repair, and a deficiency can slow down skin cell renewal. Eat lean meat and fish 3-4 times a week, and substitute with tofu and eggs when not consuming meat. Additionally, have a small handful of nuts in the morning, such as walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts. A small amount of nuts can provide nutritional supplementation, and it is best to consume them during breakfast to avoid weight gain.

8.Consume soy products regularly and try new varieties daily:

Soybeans and soy products are the best sources of plant estrogen, with soy isoflavones helping to prevent menopausal syndrome and improve skin hydration and elasticity. Among soy products, those made from whole soybeans are the best, such as whole soybeans, soy flour, soy milk, natto, and fermented black beans, as they retain most of the soy isoflavones without loss and can further enhance utilization after fermentation.