These diseases are all related to emotions! Don't get angry after reading

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-20 TCMCB
Abstract:In traditional Chinese medicine theory, "qi" is considered the fundamental substance and force that maintains the vital activities of the human body. However, when there are abnormalities in the body's "qi", it may lead to the occurrence of various diseases. Today, let's talk about those diseases caused by "qi", especially the following types of diseases. We hope that after understanding them, everyone can better adjust their emotions and avoid damaging their physical health due to anger.

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, "qi" is considered the fundamental substance and force that maintains the vital activities of the human body. However, when there are abnormalities in the body's "qi", it may lead to the occurrence of various diseases. Today, we are going to talk about the diseases caused by "qi", especially the following types of diseases. We hope that after understanding them, everyone can better adjust their emotions and avoid causing damage to their physical health due to anger.

1. Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common diseases in modern society, with various causes, among which emotional factors are a significant consideration. When we get angry, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, and blood vessels constrict. These physiological reactions impose a significant burden on the cardiovascular system. Prolonged periods in this state can easily lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, for the sake of our cardiovascular health, we should learn to control our emotions and avoid excessive anger.

2. Gastrointestinal diseases

When we get angry, our bodies produce a substance called "stress hormones", which can affect our digestive system, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Prolonged periods in this state can easily lead to gastritis, gastric ulcers, intestinal inflammation, and other gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, for the sake of our gastrointestinal health, we should learn to regulate our emotions and avoid the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases due to anger.

3. Immune system diseases

When we get angry, our bodies produce a substance called "stress hormones", which can affect our immune system, leading to a decrease in immunity. Prolonged periods in this state can easily lead to colds, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other immune system diseases. Therefore, for the sake of our immune system health, we should learn to regulate our emotions and avoid the occurrence of immune system diseases due to anger.

4. Mental and psychological diseases

When we get angry, our brains produce a substance called "stress hormones", which can affect our emotions and psychological state, leading to the occurrence of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other mental and psychological diseases. Prolonged periods in this state can easily lead to the occurrence of mental and psychological diseases. Therefore, for the sake of our mental health, we should learn to regulate our emotions and avoid the occurrence of mental and psychological diseases due to anger.

How can we avoid the occurrence of these diseases due to anger?

1. Learn to regulate your emotions: When we encounter unpleasant things, we can try to look at the problem from a different perspective, or use methods such as deep breathing, meditation, etc., to relieve our emotions.

2. Enhance self-regulation ability: Shift your focus through exercise, listening to music, reading, etc., to improve your mental resilience and stress resistance.

3. Establish good interpersonal relationships: Maintain good communication with family and friends, seek their support and help, so that you can receive timely comfort and encouragement when facing difficulties.

4. Develop good lifestyle habits: Maintain regular daily routines, ensure adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, exercise appropriately to enhance physical fitness and resistance.

5. Seek professional help: If you feel unable to control your emotions, you can seek help from a psychologist for psychological counseling and treatment.

In conclusion, anger has a significant impact on our physical health, and we should learn to regulate our emotions, avoiding the occurrence of various diseases due to anger. At the same time, we should also pay attention to our lifestyle and mental health to maintain our overall well-being.
