Five Precautions for Prostate Health

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-21 TCMCB
Abstract:Prostate disease is the most painful condition for men. Many men who were once full of vitality encounter problems once they develop prostate disease. Prostate health is an important foundation of men's overall health. Therefore, experts remind male friends to pay attention to protecting their prostate.

Prostate disease is the most painful for men, and many men who were once full of vigor encounter problems once they develop prostate disease. Prostate health is an important foundation of men's overall health. Therefore, experts remind male friends to pay attention to protecting their prostate.


Five "Precautions" for Prostate Health

Refrain from guilt

Experts indicate that prostate inflammation caused by mycoplasma and chlamydia, currently commonly referred to as non-gonococcal prostatitis, is often contracted through unclean sexual behavior. Such patients often experience a strong sense of guilt due to several reasons: first, they fear social discrimination, which affects family harmony; second, many such patients cannot afford high medical expenses; third, the condition is hard to cure, prone to recurrence, and susceptible to retrograde infection.

Expert guidance: A sense of guilt is widespread among non-gonococcal prostatitis patients. This is understandable, but prolonged guilt undoubtedly poses psychological and physical harm to patients, forming a significant obstacle to recovery. Therefore, overcoming guilt is a major precaution for prostate disease patients.

Refrain from alcohol

Experts point out that alcohol consumption can lead to congestion and edema in the prostate and bladder neck, easily triggering acute urinary retention. After drinking alcohol, it is slowly absorbed and enters the bloodstream, reaching various parts of the body. The prostate is highly sensitive to alcohol. When stimulated by alcohol, it becomes excited, leading to rapid dilation and congestion of local capillaries, resulting in increased fluid exudation between cellular tissues and cellular edema. The higher the alcohol concentration in the blood, the more severe the prostate edema becomes.

Therefore, alcohol poses a significant risk to the prostate. A congested and swollen prostate encroaches on more urethral space, leading to difficulty in urination. In severe cases, it can even lead to acute urinary retention and inability to urinate. The swollen prostate can also compress and pull the nerve fibers distributed in the prostate capsule and surrounding areas, causing discomfort, pain, and itching in the lower abdomen and perineum, as well as in the testicles.


Refrain from prolonged sitting

Lao Zhao, a retired union cadre from a factory, developed a fondness for playing mahjong as part of his retirement activities. Over time, he became increasingly engrossed in the "Battle of Bamboo City." After retiring, he played even more frequently. However, this enthusiasm was short-lived. Two years ago, Lao Zhao was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and mild prostate enlargement. He experienced frequent urination, urgency, and discomfort in the perineum, especially worsening when seated, which greatly annoyed him.

Experts state that while the human body contains about 4-5 liters of blood, only about one-third of it actually flows within the blood vessels, with the rest being "stored" in the liver, spleen, and the omentum below the abdominal cavity for regulation. Therefore, when sitting, blood can easily stagnate in the pelvic cavity. Prolonged sitting can cause poor circulation and congestion in pelvic organs, leading to aseptic inflammation. The prostate, as an accessory gland of the human body, is located at the bottom center of the pelvic cavity, precisely where blood is most likely to stagnate. Therefore, prolonged sitting is a significant cause of prostate inflammation, particularly for those already suffering from prostatitis. Office workers, drivers, long-term cyclists, and mahjong enthusiasts like Lao Zhao should take heed. Prolonged sitting is another precaution for prostate disease patients.

Refrain from excessive use of kidney-tonifying and aphrodisiac drugs

As the saying goes, "One becomes vigorous after tonifying the kidneys." However, tonifying the kidneys and invigorating the yang should be based on specific symptoms. While prostate problems can indeed lead to a decline in male sexual function, disregarding prostate disease and blindly tonifying the kidneys and invigorating the yang will only have the opposite effect. Due to its role as an accessory sexual gland in men, the prostate is involved in sexual activities and is closely related to sexual life. Prostate patients often experience sexual dysfunction, with some initially presenting with symptoms such as back pain and reduced libido. As the disease progresses, chronic inflammation and congestion of the prostate lead to pathological changes in the gland, resulting in secretion disorders and persistent impotence in patients.

Kidney-tonifying and aphrodisiac drugs are generally warm and dry in nature, which can harm the yin when used excessively. Therefore, excessive use of these drugs can lead to damp-heat accumulation, disrupting the dynamic balance of life and compromising health. Over time, this can lead to more complex and stubborn conditions, akin to overburdening a sick horse with a heavy load, causing it to collapse. Currently, there is a widespread trend of kidney-tonifying and aphrodisiac drug use in China, leading to a series of health problems and causing many men to lose their vitality, ultimately resulting in tragic divorces.


Refrain from abstaining from sexual activity

Experts point out that the prostate is the largest accessory sexual gland in the human body. When a man's prostate is affected, his first concern is often related to sexual activity, as if treating the disease means abstaining from sexual activity. However, this approach is akin to attempting to address a flood solely by "blocking" it, without considering the need for "clearing." During communication with patients with chronic prostatitis, over 80% of them ask whether sexual activity should be prohibited during medication. While many patients are concerned about the relationship between treatment and sexual activity, they are unclear about how to handle it properly. As a result, they often completely abstain from sexual activity during treatment, leading to an abnormal situation where the prostate goes left and the wife goes right.

Expert guidance suggests that strict restraint or complete abstinence from sexual activity for chronic prostatitis patients is biased. Lack of sexual activity can prevent the timely discharge of inflammatory prostatic secretions, increasing the burden on the prostate and serving as a predisposing factor for prostate stone formation. This not only fails to help in the treatment of chronic prostatitis but also has the opposite effect. As long as it is not excessive, appropriate sexual activity for prostate disease patients can greatly benefit treatment compliance.
