Attention! Eight Major Symptoms of Kidney Deficiency in Men

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-21 TCMCB
Abstract:Kidney deficiency is a common syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, which is a pathological condition caused by the weakening of kidney function or insufficient qi and blood. In middle-aged men, due to factors such as declining physical function and reproductive pressure, they are more likely to experience kidney deficiency.

Kidney deficiency is a common syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, which is a pathological condition caused by the weakening of kidney function or insufficient qi and blood. In middle-aged men, due to factors such as declining physical function and reproductive pressure, they are more likely to experience kidney deficiency. Here are the eight major symptoms of kidney deficiency in men:

1. Decline in sexual function

Men with kidney deficiency often exhibit poor sexual function, such as impotence, premature ejaculation, and decreased libido, as the kidneys govern sexual essence.

2. Soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees

Insufficient kidney qi often manifests as symptoms of soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, especially after prolonged standing or walking, or upon waking in the morning.


3. Thinness and fatigue

Weak kidney qi can affect the overall circulation of qi and blood in the body, leading to symptoms such as thinness and fatigue due to decreased function of various organs.

4. Yellow, dry, and brittle hair

The growth of hair is closely related to the abundance of kidney qi, and men with kidney deficiency often experience symptoms such as yellow, dry, and brittle hair.

5. Insomnia and forgetfulness

The kidneys are considered the root of life, and insufficient kidney qi can affect a person's mental state, leading to common symptoms such as insomnia and forgetfulness.

6. Yellowish and emaciated complexion

As the kidneys govern water, men with kidney deficiency often exhibit symptoms such as a yellowish and emaciated complexion, as well as sunken eye sockets.

7. Fatigue and weakness

Men with kidney deficiency often feel fatigued and weak, experiencing overall exhaustion, even when sleep-deprived.


8. Low-grade fever and night sweats

Due to insufficient kidney yang, the body's yang qi often manifests as low-grade fever and night sweats, especially noticeable during sleep at night.

If men experience the above symptoms, they should be aware of the possibility of kidney deficiency and seek timely targeted treatment. Nourishing kidney qi can be achieved through traditional Chinese medicine supplementation, such as using astragalus, codonopsis, goji berries, and cinnamon. Dietary habits should also include consuming protein-rich foods while avoiding overconsumption of spicy and irritating foods. In addition to medication, men should focus on maintaining a positive mood, increasing physical exercise, cultivating good lifestyle habits, adhering to regular daily routines, in order to alleviate the occurrence of kidney deficiency and maintain overall health.
