The Ten Elements of Mental Health Literacy, You Should Know These!

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-21 TCMCB
Abstract:A healthy individual is not only healthy in terms of physical well-being but also in terms of psychological well-being. Mental health refers to a state of completeness in which individuals, during their growth and development, demonstrate rational cognition, emotional stability, appropriate behavior, harmonious interpersonal relationships, and adaptability to change. Mental health is crucial for individual happiness, family harmony, and social cohesion.

First point: Mental health is an important component of overall health, and physical and mental health are closely related and mutually influential.

A healthy person is not only physically healthy, but also mentally healthy. Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual, during the process of growth and development, possesses rational cognition, stable emotions, appropriate behavior, harmonious interpersonal relationships, and the ability to adapt to change. Mental health is related to an individual's happiness, family harmony, and social cohesion. There is a close relationship between mental and physical health. On the one hand, mental health can affect physical health. For example, negative emotions can lead to a decrease in an individual's immune levels. Cancer, coronary heart disease, and digestive ulcers are psychosomatic diseases related to negative emotions. On the other hand, mental health is also affected by physical health. For instance, the incidence of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety is higher among patients with chronic diseases than in the general population. Prolonged exposure to significant stress without effective relief can have adverse effects on both mental and physical health.

Second point: Moderate exercise benefits emotional health and can prevent and alleviate anxiety and depression.

Exercise is a core component of a healthy lifestyle and also has benefits for mental health. During aerobic exercise, the brain releases chemicals such as endorphins, also known as "happy hormones," which not only have analgesic effects but also act as natural antidepressants. Mindful exercises such as Tai Chi and yoga, which emphasize awareness and adjustment of one's own breathing, help calm emotions and alleviate anxiety. Exercise can also boost self-confidence and promote social interaction. Consistently engaging in moderate exercise, for example, 30 minutes or more of exercise three to five days a week, is more effective in preventing and alleviating anxiety and depression. If necessary, seeking help from doctors and professionals to develop an exercise plan based on one's own situation is recommended.


Third point: Actively seeking help for mental issues is a responsible and wise behavior.

Experiencing mental problems but being unwilling to seek professional help is a common and detrimental behavior. Reasons for reluctance to seek help include the belief that seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist implies having a mental illness, the belief that seeking help is only necessary for serious conditions, the belief that seeking help from others means lacking the ability to solve one's own problems, and concerns about how others perceive them. In reality, seeking help from professionals does not mean having an illness nor does it imply a serious condition. On the contrary, individuals with relatively healthy mental states are often more willing to seek help, showing courage in facing problems, taking proactive steps towards change, and maintaining a more optimistic attitude towards the future. Seeking help is itself a capability and is a responsible, self-caring, and wise behavior. When experiencing mental issues, seeking help from relevant hospital departments, professional psychological counseling organizations, and social work agencies is recommended. Help can include seeking professional assessment and diagnosis, receiving education on mental health knowledge, undergoing psychological counseling, and receiving psychological and pharmacological treatment.

Fourth point: Don't ignore poor sleep, it could indicate mental and physical health issues.

Sleep quality is a comprehensive manifestation of overall mental and physical health. Common sleep problems include difficulty falling asleep, early awakening, difficulty returning to sleep after waking at night, and frequent nightmares. Poor sleep indicates the presence of psychological or physiological problems and is a warning sign that should not be ignored. Most sleep problems are caused by emotional disturbances, with anxiety and depression being common emotional issues that can disrupt sleep. On the other hand, poor sleep can affect mental health and worsen psychological disorders. Lack of sleep can impair emotional regulation and increase negative emotions.

Fifth point: Depression and anxiety can be effectively prevented and treated with early assessment and proactive treatment.

Depression and anxiety are common mental disorders. If an individual experiences persistent low mood, loss of interest, and lack of energy for more than two weeks, they may have depression. Depression can cause mental distress, ineffective learning, procrastination at work, and even a pessimistic outlook on life. Individuals with depression have a higher risk of suicide and should be prevented in a timely manner. Anxiety disorder is characterized by experiences of anxiety emotions. It mainly manifests as non-specific, intense worries and restlessness, accompanied by symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, trembling hands, sweating, and frequent urination. The public should enhance their awareness of their own emotional health and seek scientific assessment methods in a timely manner, seeking treatment early to prevent the problem from worsening. Depression and anxiety can be cured through medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. Timely treatment can help reduce the risk of suicide and prevent recurrence.

Article 6: Taking psychotropic drugs should follow medical advice, not abuse, and not stop without consulting a doctor.

Drug therapy is one of the commonly used and effective treatment methods for many mental illnesses. There are various types of psychotropic drugs, each with its own characteristics in terms of dosage, indications, contraindications, and side effects. Psychotropic drugs must be used under the guidance of a psychiatrist and should not be used arbitrarily. The abuse of certain drugs may lead to drug dependence and other harms. During the course of medication, it is important to timely communicate one's actual condition to the doctor, respect the doctor's request for regular follow-ups, and follow the doctor's guidance for adjusting the type and dosage of the medication. After effective control of the condition, it is important to continue following the doctor's medication guidance and not to abruptly stop the medication. Arbitrary adjustment of drug dosage or stopping medication may pose a risk of relapse or worsening of the condition. Drugs have certain side effects, which vary from person to person. It is important to communicate and consult with the doctor and not refuse necessary drug treatment due to concerns about the side effects of the medication.


Article 7: Children's psychological development follows certain rules, and it is important to understand, respect, and scientifically guide it.

Children's psychological development includes aspects such as perception, cognition, language, emotions, personality, and socialization, each with its own inherent developmental rules. While there are universal rules, different children exhibit differences in the speed, level, and areas of strength in their development. Caregivers need to understand the characteristics of children's development, view the differences between children rationally, and respect each child's individual developmental pace and characteristics. The earlier the developmental stage, the greater the impact on lifelong psychological characteristics. If children experience excessive pressure, lack of physical activity, or lack of social interaction, it will hinder brain development and impede psychological growth. Children's psychological development is the result of the combined effects of genetic and environmental factors. The family is the most important environmental factor, and a positive family atmosphere is beneficial to the physical and mental health of children. Punishment is a short-term effective but long-term harmful method of discipline. More effective than reward and punishment is understanding and respecting the child's emotions and needs, and guiding them scientifically. Caregivers need to manage their own emotions and continuously learn, reflect, and grow in the process of raising children. Caregivers need to strike a balance, offering support and guidance without rushing to intervene. In the course of a child's development, some "issues" are actually common processes that will gradually disappear with growth. Caregivers may sometimes exaggerate or overlook the child's problems and should be open to feedback from others or seek help from professionals.

Article 8: To prevent senile dementia, it is important to engage in regular physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction.

Senile dementia is a degenerative brain disease that occurs in the elderly, for which there are currently no specific drugs that can achieve a cure, making early identification and intervention particularly crucial. The main symptoms of senile dementia include memory degradation affecting daily life, difficulty in completing familiar tasks, impaired decision-making, difficulty in expressing thoughts, and changes in personality. Early detection of senile dementia can be achieved through cognitive function assessments. Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps prevent senile dementia. Older individuals should engage in regular exercise, increase beneficial outdoor activities, maintain habits of learning and cognitive stimulation, and actively participate in social interactions.


Article 9: To understand and care for patients with mental and psychological disorders, without discrimination or exclusion.

Much of the fear and exclusion of individuals with mental and psychological disorders stems from a lack of understanding about these conditions. In reality, with effective treatment, these disorders can be alleviated and even cured. Therefore, individuals with mental and psychological disorders, once their symptoms are under control through effective treatment, can assume family responsibilities, work functions, and societal roles. It is unnecessary and inappropriate to exclude patients from normal social interactions and work environments, as doing so may bring new pressures to the patients and their families. For individuals with mental and psychological disorders who are capable of working, providing them with appropriate work and living environments is beneficial for the improvement and recovery of their condition.

Article 10: Alleviate stress using scientific methods, without avoidance or negativity.

In the face of various stresses in life, people adopt different methods to alleviate them. It is important to note that some stress-relief methods may seem to provide immediate emotional relief but are ultimately more harmful than beneficial, constituting unhealthy ways of coping with stress. Examples include smoking, drinking, excessive shopping, and excessive gaming. While these activities may offer temporary emotional relief, they can lead to more physical and mental health issues as well as adaptation problems in life. By learning scientifically effective stress-relief methods, individuals can better cope with stress and maintain their mental and physical well-being. Firstly, adjusting one's thoughts is important. Identifying negative thoughts that lead to adverse emotions and reducing biased and distorted perceptions based on objective reality. Secondly, actively seeking interpersonal support is crucial. Choosing appropriate confidants to obtain emotional and practical support. Thirdly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Engaging in moderate exercise and healthy hobbies to regulate emotions. The judgment of what constitutes a scientific stress-relief method primarily depends on whether the method is conducive to better coping with real problems and whether it is beneficial for long-term mental and physical well-being.
