Which people are more likely to get anxiety disorders?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-21 TCMCB
Abstract:People with tendencies towards inferiority are more likely to develop anxiety disorders. They may lack confidence and believe that their appearance, abilities, or achievements are inferior to those of others. These deep-seated thoughts can make them feel uneasy in social interactions, overly concerned about expressing their opinions or communicating with others, and constantly feeling a significant gap between themselves and others. Overly focusing on their own shortcomings is also a contributing factor to anxiety disorders.


Anxiety disorder is one of the common psychological issues in today's society, and some people are more prone to developing anxiety disorders. These individuals often exhibit characteristics such as tendencies towards inferiority, perfectionism, or excessive self-concern.

Firstly, individuals with tendencies towards inferiority are more susceptible to developing anxiety disorders. They may lack self-confidence and believe that their appearance, abilities, or achievements are inferior to those of others. These deeply ingrained thoughts can make them feel uneasy in social interactions, overly concerned about expressing their opinions or communicating with others, and constantly perceive a significant gap between themselves and others. Excessive focus on their own shortcomings is also a contributing factor to anxiety disorders.

Secondly, individuals with a tendency towards perfectionism are more likely to develop anxiety disorders. They pursue perfection and demand that everything they do be flawless. They channel all their energy into pursuing perfect goals, often with a strong desire for control. If something fails to meet their internal standards of perfection, they feel anxious and unsettled, and they feel the need to resolve the situation immediately regardless of the circumstances. When collaborating with others, if the other party fails to meet their expectations, they also feel unsettled and insist on personally completing the task. This pursuit of perfectionist attitude is a major contributor to anxiety disorders.


Furthermore, individuals who are excessively self-concerned are also more prone to developing anxiety disorders. Some individuals transform their concerns about external matters into self-obsession, particularly regarding their own health. They earnestly pursue perfect health and comfort, and upon noticing any bodily symptoms, they become extremely anxious and immediately take various medical actions. This excessive self-concern can easily lead to the onset of anxiety disorders.

In conclusion, individuals with tendencies towards inferiority, perfectionism, or excessive self-concern are more susceptible to developing anxiety disorders. As a high-risk group for anxiety disorders, these three types of individuals should pay attention to promptly adjusting their emotions or seeking advice from psychologists to effectively control and prevent the onset of anxiety disorders. It is important to pay attention to these groups, providing them with appropriate psychological support and assistance, and collectively create a healthier and more balanced social environment.
