Lumbar Disc Herniation: Six Key Elements of Daily Care

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-24 TCMCB
Abstract:Intervertebral Disc Herniation, a condition that sounds "spine-tingling," not only causes physical pain for patients but also significantly impacts their daily lives and work. What should we pay attention to when suffering from lumbar disc herniation? Faced with this challenge, how should we care for ourselves in daily life to alleviate pain and prevent recurrence?

In today's society, influenced by the faster pace of life and increased work pressure, many young people have unfortunately suffered from lumbar disc herniation, a condition often associated with the elderly. Lumbar disc herniation, a condition that sounds "spine-tingling," not only causes physical pain for patients but also significantly impacts their daily lives and work. What should we pay attention to when suffering from lumbar disc herniation? Faced with this challenge, how should we care for ourselves in daily life to alleviate pain and prevent recurrence?


Understanding the Causes of Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar disc herniation is mainly due to degenerative changes in the lumbar intervertebral disc. Under external force, the fibrous ring partially or entirely ruptures, causing the nucleus pulposus to protrude outward, stimulating or compressing the spinal nerves and nerve roots, resulting in symptoms primarily characterized by lower back and leg pain. Prolonged poor sitting posture, excessive lifting, and lack of exercise are common contributing factors.

Six Suggestions for Daily Care

1. Maintain Correct Sitting Posture

First and foremost, adjust your work environment. The chair should support the natural curve of the lower back, maintaining the spine's natural "S" shape, with both feet flat on the ground and knees and hips at the same level or slightly lower. Take breaks every hour to stretch and move around, avoiding prolonged periods in the same position that could lead to excessive pressure on the lumbar spine.

2. Choose a Suitable Mattress

Sleep is a crucial time for bodily repair, and a suitable mattress is particularly important for the lumbar spine. A firm or medium-firm mattress can better support the spine, reducing nocturnal lumbar distortion and preventing waking up with lower back pain. Remember, sleeping position is also crucial—placing a pillow between the legs when lying on your side or using a small pillow under the knees when lying on your back can effectively reduce the burden on the lumbar spine.

3. Strengthen Lumbar Exercises

Moderate lumbar exercises help strengthen the muscles of the lower back and stability, reducing the pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs. For example, simple lumbar stretches and rotations can be performed, but be careful not to overexert to avoid adverse effects.

4. Control Body Weight

Excess body weight significantly increases the burden on the lumbar spine. For every additional kilogram, the lower back has to bear more pressure. Controlling weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise is not only beneficial for the lumbar spine but also an essential foundation for overall health.


5. Pay Attention to Keeping the Lower Back Warm

Keeping the lower back warm is crucial, as cold temperatures are a common trigger for exacerbating lower back pain. During winter or in air-conditioned environments, remember to wear thicker clothing to protect the lower back. If necessary, wearing a lumbar support belt can help maintain warmth and reduce the impact of cold on the lumbar spine.

6. Avoid Bending Over to Lift Heavy Objects

In daily life, it's important to avoid directly bending over to lift heavy objects, as this can increase the burden on the lumbar spine. The correct approach is to squat down, use leg strength to stand up, and keep the back upright, allowing the weight to be transferred through the legs. Additionally, it's essential to avoid frequent heavy lifting and seek assistance when necessary.


Adjusting Lifestyle to Prevent Recurrence

In addition to the aforementioned daily care measures, patients need to adjust their lifestyle to prevent the recurrence of lumbar disc herniation. For example, it's important to schedule work and leisure time reasonably to avoid overexertion, avoid prolonged standing, and pay attention to maintaining a healthy diet to ensure balanced nutrition.

Maintaining an optimistic mindset is equally important for recovery. While lumbar disc herniation may bring inconvenience, with scientific treatment and daily care, most patients can experience effective relief. In the event of recurring symptoms, it's important not to become anxious, seek timely medical attention, cooperate with professional treatment, adhere to daily maintenance, and believe that time will provide us with positive answers.
