When the intestines are obstructed, there are 8 major signs.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-24 TCMCB
Abstract:In the busy daily life, occasional encounters with intestinal blockage not only affect the mood, but also concern a significant health issue. When the intestines, the silent "transport worker", go on strike, the body sends out warning signals in various ways, reminding us to take action. What are the symptoms of intestinal blockage? Today, let's uncover the 8 major signs of intestinal blockage together.

In the busy daily life, encountering the embarrassing moment of intestinal obstruction not only affects the mood, but also concerns the health. When the intestines, the silent "transport worker", go on strike, the body sends out warning signals in various ways, reminding us to take action. What are the symptoms of intestinal obstruction? Today, let's uncover the 8 major signs of intestinal obstruction together.


1. Frequent constipation

Being unable to have a bowel movement for several days, with dry and hard stools, is a clear sign of intestinal obstruction.

2. Abdominal discomfort

Feeling bloating or even pain in the abdomen, as if there is a balloon in the stomach, and there may be a feeling of hardness when pressed.

3. Abnormal flatulence

Reduced or increased flatulence, with a possibly unusually foul smell, is a sign of gas accumulation in the intestines.

4. Loss of appetite

Intestinal obstruction affects appetite, and may lead to nausea, postprandial bloating, and even vomiting.

5. Weight fluctuations

Unexplained short-term weight gain or loss may be a reflection of waste accumulation in the body or abnormal nutrient absorption.

6. Skin problems

During constipation, toxins in the body cannot be excreted in time and may manifest through the skin, such as acne and dullness.

7. Emotional fluctuations

The intestines are referred to as the "second brain", and their health directly affects emotions. When not functioning properly, one may feel anxious and depressed.

8. Decreased immunity

Long-term intestinal problems may also lead to decreased immunity, making one more susceptible to colds and infections.

Maintaining good lifestyle habits is the key to keeping the intestines unobstructed. When the "transport worker" in the body operates smoothly, not only does the body benefit, but the whole person's mental state also undergoes a rejuvenation. Let's take action from today and give the intestines gentle care!
