Don't eat 3 kinds of fruits with high calories when losing weight.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-24 TCMCB
Abstract:Not all fruits are perfect companions for weight loss. Some fruits actually contain as many calories as a bowl of white rice, or even more. What fruits should you avoid when trying to lose weight? Let's take a look at these 3 high-calorie fruits and how to choose fruits correctly during weight loss!

In the pursuit of a healthy and light lifestyle, dietary adjustments are always the first step. Fruits, as a gift from nature, are often labeled as "healthy" and "low-calorie," naturally becoming regulars on the weight loss menu. However, not all fruits are perfect companions for weight loss. Some fruits actually contain as many calories as a bowl of white rice, or even more. What fruits should you avoid when trying to lose weight? Let's take a look at these 3 high-calorie fruits and how to choose fruits correctly during weight loss!


The "Sweet Temptation" on the Weight Loss Journey

1. Durian

Known as the "king of fruits," durian has won numerous fans with its rich aroma and dense texture. However, behind this sweetness lies the secret of high calories. Every 100g of durian contains about 150kcal, almost twice the calories of an equivalent weight of rice. Not only that, durian also has a high sugar content, and excessive consumption not only easily leads to blood sugar fluctuations but may also convert excess sugar into stored fat, dealing a heavy blow to the weight loss endeavor.

2. Banana

Bananas, known as energy bars for fitness enthusiasts, are rich in potassium and fiber, which is beneficial for promoting gastrointestinal motility. However, don't forget that bananas are also "big players" in carbohydrates. A medium-sized banana contains about 105kcal, equivalent to half a bowl of rice. For those strictly controlling calorie intake during weight loss, unrestrained consumption can easily undermine weight loss plans.

3. Grapes

The petite and lovely grapes, hanging in clusters on the branches, tempt passersby. Not only are they sweet and delicious, they are also rich in antioxidants, seemingly the perfect choice for a healthy snack. However, the sugar content of grapes is not to be underestimated. Every 100g of grapes contains about 70kcal, and it's very easy to overeat. Eating them one after another, unwittingly, the calorie intake exceeds expectations, which is not good news for weight loss.

How to Wisely Deal with It?

Having understood the truth about these 3 "high-calorie fruits," does this mean we have to bid them farewell entirely during weight loss? Not necessarily, the key lies in moderation and combination.

1. Correct Selection

During weight loss, you can choose some low-sugar, high-water fruits, such as grapefruit, kiwi, and cherry tomatoes. Not only are they low in calories, but they also provide rich trace elements and vitamins, helping to satisfy cravings while controlling total calorie intake.

2. Principle of Moderation

Even for high-calorie fruits, there's no need to be overly worried about eating them in moderation. For example, use durian as an occasional treat, a small piece to satisfy cravings; bananas can serve as an energy supplement after exercise, one is sufficient; grapes can be consumed as a snack between meals, in a small bunch.

3. Balanced Combination

Weight loss is not a war of single foods but an adjustment of the overall dietary structure. Ensure that the diet includes sufficient vegetables, high-quality protein, and complex carbohydrates, with fruits as a supplement, enriching the taste and adding nutrition.


Beware of Potential "Low-Calorie" Traps

1. Fruit Juice

Many people believe that drinking fruit juice can replace eating whole fruits. However, in reality, the removal of fiber during the juicing process makes the sugar in the juice more easily absorbed, leading to a rapid increase in blood sugar. Moreover, a single cup of fruit juice often requires the extraction of multiple fruits, invisibly increasing calorie intake.

2. Dried Fruits

While dried fruits are convenient for carrying and storage, the concentrated sugar content and calories are much higher than fresh fruits. For example, the calories in a handful of raisins may be equivalent to a large bunch of fresh grapes. Therefore, strict control of portion size is necessary when consuming dried fruits.

Conclusion: As a natural treasure trove of nutrients, fruits can be a powerful assistant in the weight loss journey as long as they are arranged reasonably. Remember, there are no absolute good or bad foods, only appropriate ways of consumption. Maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the entire process. You will discover that health and a beautiful figure are actually found in these fruits and vegetables!
