How can I determine if I am anemic?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-24 TCMCB
Abstract:To determine if you are anemic, you can observe your nail beds, eyelids, lips, and palm lines to see if your complexion appears pale. Additionally, pay attention to symptoms such as chest tightness, palpitations, or wheezing during physical activity. If you experience these symptoms, you may have anemia. If you are unsure whether you have anemia, it is best to visit the hematology department of a hospital. Through a complete blood count test, you can determine if you have anemia and identify its type and cause.

Anemia is quite common, and in daily life, we may observe that some people have a pale complexion, indicating a high likelihood of anemia. Apart from a pale complexion, what are the other symptoms of anemia? How can one determine if they have anemia? Early detection of the disease is crucial, so let's now understand this condition.

What is anemia?

Anemia refers to a condition where the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood are lower than the lowest values for a normal person of the same age and gender. In normal adults, the hemoglobin (Hb) level is 120–160 grams per liter for men and 110–150 grams per liter for women. The red blood cell count (RBC) is 4.0–5.5 x 10^12 per liter for men and 3.5–5.0 x 10^12 per liter for women.

Anemia has different classifications, with iron-deficiency anemia being the most common in our daily lives. The clinical manifestations of anemia mainly include paleness, pale lips, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, decreased memory, reduced appetite, dry hair, and in children, anemia can also affect growth and development. If you experience the above symptoms and suspect anemia, it is important to promptly visit a hospital for a complete blood count test and, after diagnosis, actively undergo treatment.


Anemia's Impact on Women's Fertility

Mild anemia has little impact on health, but severe anemia can affect the function of various organs throughout the body, posing significant health risks that should be taken seriously.

Anemia is common among female friends, and due to women's unique physiological characteristics, monthly menstrual bleeding increases the likelihood of anemia. Anemia in women can affect fertility. If women have severe anemia, it may lead to irregular menstruation or even amenorrhea, which can affect fertility and potentially lead to infertility. If pregnant women experience anemia, it may affect the growth and development of the fetus.

Therefore, female friends experiencing symptoms of anemia should promptly visit a hospital for examination. After confirming the type of anemia, appropriate measures should be taken for targeted treatment. Additionally, attention should be paid to diet, including consuming more iron-rich foods and increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin C. As the saying goes, "life lies in movement," so friends with anemia should also engage in appropriate exercise, cultivate good lifestyle habits, and lead a healthy and beautiful life.
