What other foods besides milk are suitable for older people?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-24 TCMCB
Abstract:As people age, osteoporosis becomes a common challenge for the middle-aged and elderly. Maintaining bone health, dietary habits play a crucial role. Besides milk, what other foods can effectively nourish bones and provide essential calcium and other nutrients? Here are three recommended bone-nourishing foods, especially suitable for seniors to maintain leg and foot vitality.


Fish is one of the top choices. Fish not only contains high-quality protein, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are key nutrients needed for bone health. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, which are rich in omega-3 and promote calcium absorption, can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. When cooking, steaming, boiling, or grilling with less oil and salt is preferable, and it is more suitable for the taste of the elderly.

Soy products, such as tofu, dried tofu, beancurd sheets, and soy milk, are also excellent sources of calcium. They are not only rich in easily absorbable protein but also contain calcium and vitamin D, which are beneficial for bone development. Adding a variety of soy products to the daily menu is very beneficial for bone health.


Leafy green vegetables, such as celery, spinach, bok choy, and Chinese broccoli, are rich in vitamin K, calcium, and various trace elements, effectively supplementing the necessary nutrients for bones. In particular, spinach, with high iron, potassium, and vitamin C content, can improve bone density. Eating leafy green vegetables regularly can also help prevent osteoporosis, and they are low in calories, suitable for diverse cooking and consumption by the elderly.

To better absorb these nutrients, it is recommended to take the following measures:

- Ensure an adequate intake of water, at least eight glasses a day, to promote calcium absorption.

- Reduce the intake of high-phosphorus foods, such as cola, coffee, and certain processed foods, to avoid affecting calcium absorption.

- Pay attention to obtaining vitamin D through food (such as goose liver, lean beef, egg yolk, tuna) or sunlight, and consider supplements when necessary.

- Maintain moderate exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling, etc., to enhance bone density and resist osteoporosis.

In conclusion, the aforementioned foods are not only rich in nutrients and easily absorbed but also effectively promote bone health and prevent osteoporosis. By combining a healthy dietary pattern with regular exercise, one can lay a solid foundation for a healthy late life and enjoy a happy and healthy life.
