Detailed explanation of common mental illness - Anxiety Disorder

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Abstract:Anxiety disorders often occur in young and middle-aged individuals, with no significant difference in incidence between men and women. However, as societal pressures increase with the progress of social life, the number of patients with anxiety disorders is also on the rise. To mitigate the impact of anxiety disorders, it is important to understand their manifestations.


Anxiety disorder is a mental illness characterized by persistent anxiety, tension, inner nervous system dysfunction, and various symptoms that can lead to motor restlessness and bodily discomfort. It often occurs in young and middle-aged adults, with no significant gender differences in its incidence. However, with the progress of social life, the increase in stress has led to a rise in the number of anxiety disorder patients. Understanding the manifestations of anxiety disorder is crucial in reducing its impact on us.

Anxiety disorders can be divided into four types:

1. Physical Tension

This refers to anxiety disorder patients often feeling unable to relax, with their entire body tense. They may have a tight face, furrowed brows, a tense expression, sighing, and sometimes fidgeting and pacing, always feeling that something is about to happen and unable to relax, yet unable to explain what is actually going on.

2. Overactive Autonomic Nervous System Reactivity

Anxiety disorder patients' sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems often work in overdrive. Patients experience sweating, dizziness, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, body temperature changes, cold or hot hands and feet, discomfort in the stomach, frequent urination or defecation, and a feeling of throat obstruction, among other physical discomforts.

3. Unnamed Worries About the Future

Anxiety disorder patients are always worried about the future. They worry about their loved ones, their property, and their health, and are always unable to relax, leading to fatigue, yet still unable to control their worries and anxiety. They are unable to explain the reasons for their worries.

4. Hypervigilance

Anxiety disorder patients are constantly on high alert, like sentinels, vigilant about every little movement in their surroundings. As they are always on high alert, it affects their ability to perform other tasks and even impacts their sleep, disrupting their normal daily routine. This leads to various physical discomforts and also significantly affects family life. Without a harmonious family atmosphere, any form of education becomes difficult to discuss. According to research, academically excellent children come from families with a good atmosphere. Conversely, some children who suddenly break the rules, become irritable, experience a decline in academic performance, or exhibit prolonged behavior issues are likely to have various problems within the family.


Anxiety disorder common symptoms include:

1. Checking the phone more than five times an hour, feeling a deep sense of loss when no calls or messages are received, even when on a remote holiday.

2. Extreme anxiety and discomfort when unable to access the internet for any reason, desiring to be like a superhero, flying into outer space to access the internet's strong allure.

3. Subconsciously browsing mundane websites and images, finding pleasure in such shallow experiences.

4. Spending a significant amount of time collecting information about recent trends, feeling emotionally low when unable to keep up with the latest information.

5. Preferring virtual information over real-life experiences and social interactions, experiencing a detached and otherworldly feeling.

6. Finding satisfaction in being inundated with information, spending extended periods playing computer games, but feeling like a mess in real life.

7. Oscillating between self-deprecation and self-aggrandizement, exhibiting extreme behavior and being uncompromising in social interactions.


Psychological remedies for managing anxiety disorder:

1. Sufficient sleep: Rest and ample sleep are effective ways to alleviate anxiety.

2. Maintaining optimism: When lacking confidence, recalling past achievements or visualizing successful scenarios can quickly dispel anxiety and restore confidence.

3. Imagination: Fantasizing about lying on a sunny beach with a cool sea breeze can effectively relieve tension and anxiety.

4. Deep breathing: When faced with emotional tension, deep breathing can help relieve stress and alleviate anxiety.

5. Shifting focus: If current tasks cause distress, temporarily redirecting attention, looking out the window, and allowing the eyes and other parts of the body to relax can provide temporary relief from stress.

Anxiety disorder is a psychological illness that requires addressing the root cause to achieve healing, necessitating long-term self-regulation and maintenance.
