Ten Major Causes of Mental Illness

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-25 TCMCB
Abstract:With the rapid acceleration of the overall pace of society, urban white-collar workers in particular are besieged by high-intensity work pressures. Many of them remain in a state of high tension for prolonged periods, often without receiving timely adjustment. As time goes on, they may experience symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, and mental depression, and in severe cases, this can lead to psychological disorders or mental illness.


01. Changes in relationships and family

In modern society, there is an increasing number of psychological issues resulting from emotional setbacks and marital changes. Heartbreak is undoubtedly a painful emotional experience. The individual experiencing heartbreak often suffers greatly due to the difficulty of letting go of the emotions, and feelings of loss can exacerbate psychological imbalances. Some individuals may develop psychological disorders or even engage in irrational and extreme behaviors, causing irreparable harm to themselves and others. With the shift in modern ideologies and the emphasis on marital quality and requirements, the divorce rate in our country is also steadily increasing. Those affected by divorce, especially women, often cannot withstand the impact of this change, resulting in psychological distress. A related survey indicates that approximately 70% of divorced individuals in our country experience excessive psychological stress, highlighting the urgent need for psychological support and assistance in this demographic.

02. Overwhelming work pressure

As the overall pace of society rapidly accelerates, urban white-collar workers in particular are besieged by high-intensity work pressures. Many among them remain in a state of high tension for prolonged periods and frequently fail to receive timely adjustments, leading to symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, and mental depression. In severe cases, this can trigger psychological disorders or mental illness. From a physiological perspective, prolonged high levels of mental stress can lead to endocrine dysfunction and weakened immunity, making individuals susceptible to various physical and mental ailments, and even potentially resulting in "death from overwork".

03. Psychological dependence on the internet

The advent of the internet has greatly facilitated modern life and work, but its negative impact cannot be overlooked. Particularly, a large number of adolescents have a significant interest in the internet, making it an important part of their lives. While moderate internet usage can be beneficial, the widespread use of smartphones has blurred the line between real life and the internet. However, if internet usage is employed as an escape from reality, as a means to avoid confronting the setbacks encountered in real life, and to evade facing one's true sense of powerlessness, problems may arise over time, causing damage to social functioning and ultimately leading to psychological illness.


04. Exacerbation of psychological stress due to poverty

This group mainly consists of the unemployed and impoverished students in higher education. Some individuals, after facing company layoffs and experiencing difficulty finding new employment, or being unwilling to start over, may find themselves in a precarious situation of being unable to attain their previous status. This is particularly true for adult individuals with families, who, burdened by guilt towards their families, are highly susceptible to developing psychological disorders under the dual pressures of mental and financial stress, potentially leading to family breakdown. "Impoverished students" have always been a sensitive topic in higher education. For some impoverished students entering institutions of higher learning, the combination of financial hardship and the influence of vanity can exacerbate conflicting psychological states, increasing the probability of psychological disorders among these individuals.

05. Impatient psychological tendencies

In the pursuit of their careers, some individuals exhibit an impatient tendency and are unable to withstand the blow of failure. Due to their high expectations for success and unwillingness to exert too much effort, they often seek quick and easy solutions, hoping to achieve great results with minimal effort. However, reality often does not change according to one's subjective desires, leading to disappointment and a sense of loss. Additionally, some individuals strive excessively for success, constantly pressuring themselves and demanding too much, often leading to their own downfall due to mental exhaustion, and potentially triggering neuroses such as depression and anxiety.


06. Excessive Academic Pressure

It is well known that students, especially middle school students, are currently facing the most arduous challenges. They are confronted with an overwhelming amount of reading materials and study resources, as well as the earnest expectations of their parents and teachers, which makes them feel overwhelmed. Currently, whether it's elementary, middle, or high school students, there are quite a few cases of students suffering from various degrees of psychological disorders. The psychological symptoms induced by exam pressure mainly include: delayed or excessive reactions, restlessness, study-related anxiety, depression, and aversion to learning. The academic pressure often serves as a trigger, but the underlying root causes stem from family atmosphere and parental relationships. Some children, in order to save their precarious families, exhibit various psychological disorder symptoms and end up being treated with psychiatric medications for their parents' psychological issues.

If parents notice that their children are experiencing severe emotional problems, they must reflect on whether they have burdened their children with unnecessary responsibilities, such as transferring their own anxiety about the future onto their children, or extracting emotional needs from their children that should have been fulfilled by their partners.

07. Excessive Spoiling of Only Children

The phenomenon of only children being willful, selfish, poor at socializing, and having low adaptability has become a thorny issue for both parents and schools. However, the root cause of these problems lies with the parents. Their excessive spoiling of only children not only fosters negative habits such as willfulness and selfishness, but also often results in solitary personalities, poor resilience, social phobias, and even tendencies towards violence.

Parental spoiling can create psychological lesions in children, and this latent crisis is like a time bomb, with a tremendous impact once it detonates.

08. Inability to Cope with Investment Loss

In recent years, people's investment awareness has been continuously growing, whether it's investing in stocks, buying lottery tickets, purchasing real estate, or engaging in business ventures, etc. This includes both investment and speculative activities. When long-term investments fail to yield the expected returns or suffer significant capital losses, it inevitably leads to psychological imbalance in people. Intense feelings of defeat, drastic emotional fluctuations, and massive capital losses are likely to breach a person's psychological defenses, and some individuals may even contemplate suicide as a result.


09. Lack of Psychological Care for the Elderly

China has entered an aging society, and the psychological well-being of the elderly is a major concern for the entire society. Currently, the material needs of the vast majority of elderly people in China are basically met, but their psychological and emotional needs may not necessarily be adequately addressed. A survey shows that psychological disorders among elderly people in China are on the rise, primarily due to the lack of psychological care.

It is evident that the lack of love in their later years has become an issue that cannot be overlooked, and it is a significant factor leading to psychological problems in the elderly.

10. Difficulty Adapting to Social Development

Modern society is developing rapidly and constantly changing, yet some people find it difficult to adapt for various reasons. This difficulty in adaptation encompasses many aspects: being unable to tolerate the unfairness in society and feeling frustrated and agitated because of the inability to change the status quo; being dissatisfied with the unequal distribution in the workplace and feeling indignant about one's low income; experiencing a sense of loss and lack of belonging due to the pallor of one's faith; feeling anxious and helpless due to the gap between personal skills and modernization, and so on. In these situations, if emotions are not promptly guided and adjusted, it is easy for people to develop "mental illnesses."
