The impact of watermelon on blood sugar levels in diabetic patients

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-25 TCMCB
Abstract:In the hot summer, watermelon is a very popular fruit, and it is known as the "king of fruits." Eating watermelon in the hot summer is both refreshing and cooling. However, we all know that watermelon contains a large amount of sugar. Therefore, many diabetes patients are afraid to eat watermelon for fear of raising their blood sugar levels.


In the hot summer, watermelon is a very popular fruit, and it is known as the "king of fruits" for its refreshing and heat-relieving properties. However, we all know that watermelon contains a large amount of sugar. Therefore, many diabetes patients are hesitant to eat watermelon for fear of raising their blood sugar levels. So, can diabetes patients no longer eat watermelon after being diagnosed with the condition? In fact, that's not the case. With the right approach, diabetes patients can still enjoy watermelon.

Summer is here, and diabetes patients can eat watermelon, but remember these 4 points:

Although watermelon tastes sweet, its sugar content is not particularly high. Research shows that watermelon's sugar content is around 5%, with over 50% being low-glycemic fructose, and it contains over 93% water, making it an excellent choice for hydration and cooling off in the summer. However, watermelon has a glycemic index of 72, making it a high-glycemic fruit. This is due to the presence of carbohydrates that are absorbed quickly into the body, leading to a significant impact on blood sugar. But does this mean diabetes patients cannot eat watermelon? Not at all! Diabetes patients can still eat watermelon, but they need to consider the following factors.


1. Eat it when blood sugar is well controlled

If blood sugar is not well controlled and is consistently high, eating watermelon will only exacerbate the problem. Diabetes patients, regardless of the fruit, should eat it when their blood sugar is well controlled to avoid a significant spike.

2. Pay attention to the timing of eating watermelon

When blood sugar is well controlled, it's best to eat watermelon between main meals. Eating it before or after meals can easily lead to a spike in postprandial blood sugar levels.

3. Control the amount of watermelon consumed

Research shows that consuming around 200g of watermelon at a time will not significantly raise blood sugar levels. Diabetes patients should limit their intake to this amount each time. Additionally, to mitigate the impact on post-meal blood sugar levels, they can reduce the amount of staple food in the next meal, such as reducing rice intake by 25g in the following meal.

4. Avoid drinking watermelon juice

Although diabetes patients can eat watermelon, they should try to avoid drinking watermelon juice. When watermelon is juiced, its carbohydrates and sugars are concentrated, and it's easy to consume an excessive amount, leading to a spike in blood sugar levels.


Diabetes patients can also beat the heat in summer in other ways. In addition to watermelon, they can choose other fruits with a lower glycemic index, such as apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, cherries, grapefruits, and peaches—all suitable for diabetes patients, as long as they adhere to the points mentioned above. Furthermore, when it comes to beverages, it's best for diabetes patients to quench their thirst with plain water or purified water. Any sweetened beverages may contain sweeteners or glucose, which are not suitable for diabetes patients.

For diabetes patients, it's important to never forget the principles of dietary control. Although there are many fruits to choose from during the bountiful fruit season of summer, diabetes patients should not consume them excessively. By following the aforementioned points, they can enjoy the delicious taste of fruits without losing control of their blood sugar levels.
