Three types of people suitable for eating supper before bed

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-06-25 TCMCB
Abstract:Do you choose to satisfy your hunger before bed or tough it out and sleep on an empty stomach when your stomach grumbles before sleep? Perhaps you've heard the saying, "Eating supper before bed can lead to weight gain and burden the stomach," which can make people feel guilty. However, experts point out that eating supper is not entirely harmful. At the same time, there are several specific groups of people who can benefit from a moderate amount of supper. So, how should we eat supper for it to be healthy?


Before going to bed, when your stomach rumbles, do you choose to satisfy your hunger or tough it out and sleep on an empty stomach? Perhaps you've heard the saying, "Eating supper before bed can lead to weight gain and burden the stomach," which can make people feel guilty. However, experts point out that eating supper is not entirely harmful. At the same time, there are several specific groups of people who can benefit from a moderate amount of supper. So, how should we eat supper for it to be healthy? Let's take a look together.

1. What are the potential harms of sleeping on an empty stomach?

  (1)Gastritis, gastric ulcers

     Regardless of whether you eat, the gastrointestinal tract still secretes gastric acid, which is a strong acid. Prolonged direct contact with the gastric mucosa can easily lead to digestive system diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcers.

  (2)Impact on sleep

     Sleeping on an empty stomach may cause palpitations, sweating, fatigue, and tremors, and can seriously affect sleep quality, making it difficult to enter deep sleep.

  (3) Hypoglycemia

     For individuals with diabetes, sleeping on an empty stomach can cause the "dawn phenomenon," where blood sugar reflexively increases sharply in the morning, potentially leading to coma due to severe hypoglycemia.


2. Who should eat supper?

  (1)Diabetes patients

     In order to avoid the "dawn phenomenon" the next morning, diabetes patients can eat some healthy food before bed to ensure stable blood sugar levels at night and prevent the "dawn phenomenon."

  (2)Patients with stomach and liver diseases

     These two groups of patients are prone to decreased appetite. Although they may feel hungry easily, they get full quickly. Therefore, these patients can eat some supper before bed. Eating an additional meal at night can help these patients maintain good nutrient absorption during the night. If the extra meal is consumed during the day, it may affect their regular meals. Therefore, it is recommended to eat supper two hours after dinner, such as porridge, steamed buns, noodles, or dumplings, and the amount of supper can be the same as a regular meal.

  (3)Thin elderly people

     The digestive and absorptive functions of the gastrointestinal tract decline in elderly people, coupled with underlying diseases leading to decreased appetite and postprandial bloating, resulting in sustained weight loss. In such cases, it is recommended to develop the habit of eating a meal before bed, which not only does not affect the three regular meals but also facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, preventing further weight loss.

3. What are the potential harms of eating supper before bed?

  (1) Obesity

     With reduced nighttime activity and metabolism, consuming food before bed can lead to the conversion of excess energy into fat storage, resulting in weight gain and obesity.


     Eating too much before bed can lead to increased brain activity, causing insomnia.

  (3)Increased gastrointestinal burden

     During nighttime sleep, gastrointestinal motility is usually reduced, and corresponding secretion of digestive juices also decreases, allowing the gastrointestinal tract to rest. Therefore, "eating supper before bed" is equivalent to adding extra food before bed, which can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to symptoms such as indigestion, food reflux, nausea, and vomiting.

4. What should you eat if you suddenly feel hungry before bed?

  (1)Timing: 1-2 hours before bed

     It is not advisable to go to bed immediately after eating, as it is not conducive to gastrointestinal health and falling asleep. It is recommended to eat supper 1-2 hours before bed.

 (2) Choose light foods whenever possible

     It is recommended to prioritize foods such as milk, whole wheat bread, and soda crackers, as these foods are less likely to burden the gastrointestinal tract.

  (3) Avoid overeating

     Eating too much before bed can easily lead to the storage of excess calories as fat, causing obesity. Simply ensure that there is no feeling of hunger before going to bed.
