Exploring Purple Onion: 5 Health Benefits Not to be Overlooked

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-01 TCMCB
Abstract:Onions, a common vegetable, are often overlooked due to their pungent smell and unique texture. However, despite being such an unassuming ingredient, they possess numerous astonishing health benefits. Today, let's explore the 5 major health benefits of onions and delve into whether purple onions outshine the rest!


Onions, a common vegetable, are often overlooked due to their pungent smell and unique texture. However, despite being such an unassuming ingredient, they possess numerous astonishing health benefits. Today, let's explore the 5 major health benefits of onions and delve into whether purple onions outshine the rest!

1. Antioxidant Properties

The quercetin and sulfide compounds in onions act as natural antioxidants. They help eliminate free radicals in the body, combat oxidative stress, protect cells from damage, and thus slow down the aging process.

2. Cardiovascular Support

Onions act as a natural "artery cleaner." Rich in allicin, they help reduce blood viscosity, dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, assist in lowering blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3. Immune Boost

Onions are rich in vitamin C and various minerals such as selenium and zinc, essential for enhancing the immune system. Especially during seasonal transitions and flu outbreaks, consuming onions can make the body more resilient.

4. Eye Health

The presence of anthocyanins and vitamin A in onions makes them vital for eye health. They protect the retina from free radical damage, help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration, and maintain good eyesight. For modern individuals spending long hours in front of computers and phones, consuming onions in moderation undoubtedly provides gentle care for the eyes.

5. Digestive Aid

The fiber in onions helps promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and maintain gut health. Additionally, the sulfur compounds they contain stimulate gastric juice secretion, increase appetite, and improve digestion.


Are Purple Onions Superior?

Compared to onions of other colors, purple onions offer higher nutritional value. This is mainly due to the higher content of anthocyanins and flavonoids, among other antioxidants, making them more effective in antioxidant properties and eye protection. However, this does not mean that other varieties of onions lack value; each type of onion has its unique nutritional characteristics, and a diverse intake is the healthiest dietary principle.

Creative Ways to Enjoy Onions for Health

1. Onion and Apple Salad

Soak onion slices in cold water for a few minutes to remove the pungent taste, then drain and set aside. Mix diced apples, onion slices, and crushed walnuts, and add honey, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and black pepper to taste. Gently mix the ingredients. This refreshing salad, with its sweet apples, mildly spicy onions, and crunchy walnuts, is rich in fiber and antioxidants, promoting gut health.

2. Onion and Tomato Braised Beef Brisket

Blanch the beef brisket chunks to remove impurities, slice the onions, and chop the tomatoes. Heat oil in a pot, sauté ginger slices, add the onions and stir-fry until slightly golden, then add the beef brisket and stir-fry evenly. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce for color, then add the tomatoes and an appropriate amount of hot water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat until the beef brisket is tender. Adjust the flavor with a small amount of rock sugar to taste. This dish is not only delicious and nutritious, but the addition of onions also aids in the digestion and absorption of fats in the beef brisket, reducing greasiness.


Storing Onions: Tips for Keeping Them Fresh

In order to maintain the freshness and nutritional value of onions, the correct storage method is equally important. Placing onions in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area, while avoiding direct sunlight, can extend their shelf life. Be careful not to store onions together with potatoes, as the moisture released by potatoes may cause onions to spoil more quickly. Additionally, once onions are cut, they should be sealed and refrigerated, and consumed as soon as possible to minimize nutrient loss.

On the path to pursuing a healthy lifestyle, consider making onions a regular guest on your dining table. Utilize their natural power to safeguard the health of the entire family. The true source of health often lies in these inconspicuous daily habits, waiting for us to discover and cherish!
