Summer Health Tips: Why do doctors recommend eating more ginger

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-02 TCMCB
Abstract:In the scorching summer, air-conditioned rooms become a cool haven and cold drinks turn into favorites. But have you ever wondered why traditional wisdom advocates "eat radishes in winter and eat ginger in summer" against the seasonal norm? In this high-temperature season, why do doctors specifically recommend consuming more ginger?

In the scorching summer, when air-conditioned rooms become cool havens and cold drinks become the preferred choice, have you ever wondered why traditional wisdom suggests "eat radishes in winter and eat ginger in summer" against the seasonal norm? In this high-temperature season, why do doctors specifically recommend consuming more ginger? The reason lies in the fact that ginger, often considered a seasoning staple in our kitchens, is also a powerful ally for summer health. Today, let's delve into the secrets behind consuming ginger in the summer, unlocking its health benefits and revealing how to maximize its effects for wellness.


The Mystery of Eating Ginger in Summer

According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, summer corresponds to the element of fire in the Five Elements, representing the peak of yang energy. During this time, excessive sweating can lead to the outward leakage of yang energy and the invasion of dampness, causing a decline in the function of the spleen and stomach, resulting in symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating, and diarrhea. Ginger, with its warm nature and pungent taste, possesses the ability to induce sweating, dispel exterior pathogens, warm the middle, and strengthen the spleen, thereby helping us resist dampness, protect the spleen and stomach, promote digestion, and enhance the body's adaptability during summer.

Multiple Health Benefits of Ginger

1. Stimulating Appetite

In the scorching heat of summer, people often experience poor appetite. The gingerol in ginger can stimulate the oral and gastric mucosa, promote saliva and gastric juice secretion, enhance digestive function, and increase appetite.

2. Dispelling Cold and Warming the Body

Despite the external heat, excessive indulgence in cold items (such as air conditioning and cold drinks) can lead to the accumulation of internal cold. The warm nature of ginger helps dispel internal cold and maintain body temperature balance.

3. Boosting Immunity

Ginger is rich in vitamin C and various minerals, which can enhance the body's immunity and prevent common summer ailments such as colds and gastrointestinal discomfort.

4. Improving Blood Circulation

Active compounds in ginger, such as gingerol, are beneficial for promoting blood circulation, alleviating headaches, and relieving stiffness in the neck and shoulders caused by summer heat.


How to Enhance the Health Benefits of Ginger Consumption

1. Morning Ginger Water

A cup of warm ginger water in the morning is a great way to start the day. Simply slice a few pieces of fresh ginger, boil them in water, and drink on an empty stomach to awaken the dormant digestive system, promote intestinal peristalsis, enhance digestion and absorption, and expel internal cold, thereby boosting vitality.

2. Afternoon Ginger Tea

During the hot afternoon, a homemade ginger tea not only quenches thirst but also revitalizes the body. Slice ginger, add it to a small amount of green or black tea, and customize the flavor by adding honey or lemon slices as per personal preference. This refreshing beverage helps relieve heat and refreshes the mind.

3. Adding Ginger Juice to Dishes

In summer, it's advisable to consume light and refreshing foods. When preparing cold dishes, adding an appropriate amount of ginger juice or minced ginger not only enhances flavor but also aids digestion, preventing diarrhea caused by consuming raw and cold foods. For example, adding a small amount of ginger juice to cucumber or wood ear mushroom salad creates a fresh, appetizing, and healthy dish.

4. Making Ginger Syrup Water

For those who are sensitive to cold and prone to catching colds, a cup of ginger syrup water is an ideal summer beverage. Boil sliced ginger with brown sugar, and drink it while hot to dispel cold, warm the body, nourish the blood and qi, and alleviate symptoms such as shoulder and neck pain and cold extremities caused by excessive use of air conditioning in summer.



1. Limitation in Quantity and Timing

Although consuming ginger in summer offers numerous benefits, it should not be overdone. Adults should generally not exceed 10 grams of ginger per day, and consumption should preferably be during the day to avoid excessive yang energy at night, which can affect sleep.

2. Groups Unsuitable for Ginger Consumption

While ginger is beneficial, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat, gastric ulcers, or bleeding hemorrhoids should reduce or avoid ginger consumption to prevent exacerbating their conditions.

This summer, consider making ginger a regular guest on your dining table to safeguard the health of your entire family. The key to wellness lies in balance—moderation, timing, and suitability are essential to maximizing the health benefits of ginger!
