Three Summer Health Congees: Aid Digestion, Dampness Removal, Promote Sleep

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-02 TCMCB
Abstract:Summer Health Congee Recommendations: Pumpkin and Millet Congee for Spleen and Stomach Nourishment, Adzuki Bean and Coix Seed Congee for Dampness Removal and Weight Loss, Lily and Lotus Seed Congee for Calming the Mind and Promoting Sleep. Fresh ingredients, proper cooking time, moderate sugar addition, and timely consumption infuse the body with fresh energy, nourish the body and mind, and enjoy the tranquility and health of summer.

In the scorching summer, people often lose their appetite due to the high temperatures, coupled with frequent use of air conditioning, making the body more prone to issues such as poor digestion, increased dampness, and inadequate sleep. In such a season, carefully prepared health congees not only bring coolness and nourishment to the body but also effectively address these common health concerns of summer. Today, let's explore three summer health congee recipes, each focusing on supporting digestion, removing dampness, and promoting sleep, making this summer both refreshing and healthy!


1. Supporting Digestion: Pumpkin and Millet Congee

In the scorching summer, the function of the spleen and stomach is easily affected, leading to poor digestion and diminished appetite. Pumpkin and millet congee, with its mild nature and rich nutritional value, becomes the top choice for nourishing the spleen and stomach.

Ingredients: Pumpkin, millet, red dates, goji berries, water.


1. Peel and dice the pumpkin, rinse the millet, and set aside.

2. In a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, then add the millet, bring to a boil over high heat, and simmer over low heat.

3. After about 15 minutes, add the pumpkin pieces and continue to simmer over low heat until the pumpkin is soft.

4. Finally, add a few red dates and goji berries, and continue to cook for 5 minutes.

Benefits: Pumpkin is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, and dietary fiber, which helps protect the gastric mucosa and promote digestion. Millet has the effect of invigorating the spleen and stomach, calming the mind, and aiding sleep, while red dates and goji berries can nourish the blood and qi. Together, a bowl of this congee not only nourishes the spleen and stomach but also brings ample energy.


2. Dampness Removal: Adzuki Bean and Coix Seed Congee

In the heavy dampness of summer, the body easily feels heavy and tired. Adzuki bean and coix seed congee is a classic choice for dampness removal, effectively helping the body to expel excess dampness and restore lightness.

Ingredients: Adzuki beans, coix seeds, rock sugar, water.


1. Soak the adzuki beans and coix seeds for several hours in advance to cook them more thoroughly.

2. Put the soaked adzuki beans and coix seeds in a pot with an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat.

3. Cook until the beans and seeds are soft and the congee is thick, then add rock sugar to taste according to personal preference.

Benefits: Adzuki beans help to promote diuresis and reduce swelling, while coix seeds benefit the spleen and eliminate dampness. The combination of the two is beneficial for clearing dampness from the body, improving discomfort caused by excessive dampness in summer, and also helps in weight loss and maintaining a light figure.


3. Promoting Sleep: Lily and Lotus Seed Congee

In the hot summer, many people experience a decline in sleep quality. Lily and lotus seed congee, with its calming and sleep-promoting effects, becomes the preferred choice for promoting sleep on summer nights.

Ingredients: Lily bulbs, lotus seeds, rice, rock sugar, water.


1. Soak the lily bulbs and lotus seeds in advance, and rinse the rice.

2. Put all the ingredients in a pot, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat.

3. Cook until the congee is thick and the lotus seeds are soft and glutinous, add rock sugar to taste, then cook for a few more minutes.

Benefits: Lily bulbs have a slightly cold nature, which helps to clear the mind and calm the spirit, while lotus seeds are beneficial for invigorating the spleen, stopping diarrhea, and calming the mind. The combination not only has a sweet taste but also helps to relieve insomnia and excessive dreaming caused by vigorous heart fire in summer, thus improving sleep quality.


Summer Health Congee Tips:

1. Choose Fresh Ingredients

Selecting fresh ingredients is the basis for making nourishing congees, as fresh ingredients can better release their nutritional value.

2. Master the Cooking Time

When cooking congee, bring it to a boil over high heat first, then simmer over low heat to make the congee more flavorful, and release the nutrients more effectively.

3. Moderate Sugar Addition

To maintain the health benefits of congee, it is recommended to add natural sugars such as rock sugar or honey in moderation, according to personal taste, to avoid excessive sugar intake.

4. Enjoy at the Right Time

Congees in summer are best enjoyed warm, avoiding excessive cold stimulation to the digestive system. Additionally, consuming congee in the morning and evening is more conducive to the body's absorption and regulation.

This summer, let's use these three bowls of congee to infuse the body with a fresh vitality, nourish the body and mind, and find a rare tranquility and health in the scorching summer!
