Ten Standards for Children's Mental Health

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-02 TCMCB
Abstract:Mental health refers to a sustained psychological state in which individuals can adapt well and have vitality in life, fully developing their physical and mental potential. This is a positive condition, not just the absence of mental illness.


1. Self-understanding: Having a thorough understanding and awareness of oneself, and being able to appropriately evaluate one's own abilities.

2. Self-trust: Having a strong sense of self-trust, being able to overcome difficulties, face setbacks calmly, and evaluate one's failures correctly.

3. Self-acceptance: Being able to joyfully accept and identify with one's physical features, personality, intelligence, and abilities.

4. Self-control: Being able to express and control one's emotions and behavior in moderation.

5. Self-regulation: Being able to provide timely feedback, corrections, choices, changes, and adjustments to unrealistic behavioral goals, mental imbalance, and maladjustment to the environment.

6. Self-improvement: Being able to continuously improve oneself, maintaining the integrity and harmony of one's personality.

7. Self-development: Having the ability to learn from experiences, fully developing one's intelligence, and developing one's personality according to one's own characteristics within the collective framework.

8. Self-adjustment: Having a strong sense of security in the environment, maintaining good contact with the environment, understanding and accepting others, and maintaining good interpersonal relationships.

9. Self-design: Having one's own life ideals, but ensuring that ideals and goals align with reality.

10. Self-fulfillment: Moderately satisfying personal basic needs within the scope of social norms.
