Is food intake closely related to lifespan?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-02 TCMCB
Abstract:Not eating properly can lead to a shortened lifespan? Some may consider this to be an exaggeration, but research has shown that eating habits indeed affect an individual's health. As a result, there is increasing controversy surrounding eating habits. Some believe that eating less is healthier, intentionally skipping a meal and controlling food intake. However, others argue that maintaining regular mealtimes and eating three meals a day is the healthier option.

Not eating properly can lead to a shortened lifespan? Some may consider this to be an exaggeration, but research has shown that eating habits indeed affect an individual's health. As a result, there is increasing controversy surrounding eating habits. Some believe that eating less is healthier, intentionally skipping a meal and controlling food intake. However, others argue that maintaining regular mealtimes and eating three meals a day is the healthier option. So, what is the correct way to eat? Does eating less really have an impact on the body?


1. How many meals a day is good? Eating fewer than this number makes it easier to "shorten life"!

The notion that eating too much shortens lifespan is not unfounded. An article in the journal "Immunity" once published a study where researchers found that when animals consumed an appropriate amount of calories, their lifespan actually increased. In an attempt to prolong life, many intentionally skip breakfast or dinner to reduce food intake. However, this practice is not conducive to health, as it can lead to malnutrition, abnormal metabolic processes, and even harm to overall health and life.

Furthermore, a prospective study jointly conducted by Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, and the University of Iowa in the United States, followed 4175 participants over 8 years. During this period, 17.4% of the participants (878 individuals) died, with 878 of them dying from cardiovascular disease. The researchers found that those who ate fewer than 3 meals a day had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and overall mortality. Compared to those who ate 3 meals a day, those who ate 2 meals a day had a 10% increase in cardiovascular disease and a 7% increase in overall mortality. Those who ate only 1 meal a day faced even more severe consequences, with an 83% increase in cardiovascular disease and a 30% increase in overall mortality. Therefore, eating fewer than 3 meals a day, regardless of which meal is skipped, is not conducive to long-term health. Additionally, skipping a meal can lead to significant fluctuations in glucose metabolism at the next meal, affecting normal metabolic processes.


The study also showed that the risk of death from skipping any meal differed:

- In the group that skipped breakfast, the risk of cardiovascular disease increased by 40%, and the overall mortality risk increased by 11%.

- In the group that skipped lunch, the respective risks increased by 12% and 15%.

- For those who skipped dinner, the risks increased by 16% and 19% respectively. Therefore, skipping any of the three meals corresponds to different health risks. Skipping breakfast, especially for those with existing cardiovascular issues, is more likely to lead to severe complications. Therefore, to live a long life, one must eat well for all three meals!

2. The Lancet: 22% of global adults die from eating wrong!

In addition to eating less, the health risks of eating improperly should not be ignored. Many people may not realize it, but in fact, most of the health risks they face stem from these poor dietary habits. The Lancet once published a large-scale study on dietary health in 195 countries and regions globally, concluding that the mortality and disease risks caused by poor dietary structure have become a major global health threat. China's mortality and disease rates due to incorrect dietary structure are particularly prominent, even more severe than the United States, which has a penchant for high-sugar, high-fat diets.

This is not the first time China has been criticized for its dietary structure. In 2017, due to dietary structure issues, China became the country with the highest mortality rates for cardiovascular disease and cancer globally. Experts warn that China's dietary structure problems mainly stem from three unreasonable intakes:


1. Excessive salt intake: According to authoritative statistics, China's daily salt intake ranks first globally, with the per capita salt intake being twice the recommended intake by the World Health Organization.

2. Low intake of whole grains: According to the "Scientific Research Report on Chinese Residents' Dietary Guidelines (2021)," the daily intake of whole grains by Chinese residents is far below the recommended intake, with 80% of people consuming less than 50g of whole grains per day.

3. Low fruit intake per capita: Although the intake of vegetables is not low, the intake of fruits is very low, with the average intake being only about 40g, far below the recommended intake of 200-350g/day according to the dietary guidelines.

These seemingly inconspicuous dietary imbalances have led to many health hazards. Therefore, to prioritize health, it is crucial to pay attention to these dietary structural issues.

How to Eat Three Meals a Day for Better Health? Remember 4 Balanced Dietary Guidelines


Since dietary health is crucial, how can one eat to achieve dietary balance in daily life?

1. Variety of Foods

Try to choose different types of food for three meals a day to ensure dietary diversity and obtain various nutrients for nutritional balance. It is recommended to consume at least 12 different types of food daily and at least 25 different types of food weekly.

2. Regular Eating Habits

Irregular eating can lead to obesity, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic abnormalities, and a high risk of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is essential to eat three meals at regular times in fixed quantities to establish a positive cycle for better health.

3. Cooking and Selection Skills

Cooking methods such as frying, grilling, and smoking can produce harmful substances. It is not advisable to use these methods for an extended period. It is best to cook food using methods such as blanching, steaming, boiling, and cold mixing to maintain the nutritional value of the ingredients and reduce digestive burden. Additionally, when selecting ingredients, it is best to choose fresh, nutrient-dense foods, such as deep-sea fish, eggs, and Chinese broccoli.

4. Coarse and Fine Food Combinations

For staple foods, it is beneficial to include rice, whole grains, miscellaneous grains, and legumes in the diet, combining coarse and fine foods to increase food variety and avoid the adverse effects of consuming overly coarse or fine foods, ensuring comprehensive nutrient absorption.

In fact, achieving dietary balance in daily life is not difficult. By paying attention to the above dietary details, one can achieve nutritional balance. Therefore, cultivating healthy eating habits is crucial and an indispensable step towards good health.
