The six major benefits of long-term consumption of Astragalus water for women

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-03 TCMCB
Abstract:Astragalus, also known as Huangqi, is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal herb with functions such as replenishing vital energy, consolidating the surface of the body, diuresis, reducing swelling, detoxification, and promoting the growth of tissue. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is widely used for nourishing and regulating the body. So, what are the benefits of long-term consumption of astragalus tea for women?


1. The Benefits of Long-Term Consumption of Astragalus Tea for Women

1. Qi replenishing effect: Astragalus is believed to have a Qi-replenishing effect, which can help improve symptoms caused by Qi deficiency, such as easy fatigue and shortness of breath.

2. Enhanced immune function: Long-term consumption of astragalus tea may help enhance the body's immune function, with anticancer, anti-tumor, and anti-aging effects.

3. Beauty and skincare: Astragalus tea may help improve skin conditions, making the skin smoother, more delicate, and elastic.

4. Blood sugar regulation: Astragalus may have a bidirectional regulation effect on blood sugar, which is beneficial for diabetic patients.

5. Diuresis and reducing swelling: Astragalus has diuretic and swelling reducing effects, which may help reduce edema.

6. Liver protection: Astragalus may help protect the liver and have a protective effect on the liver.

Long-term moderate consumption of astragalus tea may bring some health benefits to women, but it also needs to be determined based on individual constitution and health conditions.


2. The Best Combinations for Brewing Astragalus Tea

Astragalus is a common Chinese medicinal herb with excellent Qi-replenishing effects. It can be brewed alone or combined with other herbs for better health benefits. Here are some common recommended combinations:

1. Astragalus + Goji Berries: Goji berries are rich in nutrients and, when combined with astragalus, can enhance immunity, improve sleep quality, and enhance memory, suitable for those who frequently use computers or work overtime.

2. Astragalus + Angelica sinensis: Angelica sinensis has the function of nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation. When combined with astragalus, it can enhance hematopoietic function and prevent blood clots, suitable for people with Qi and blood deficiency.

3. Astragalus + American Ginseng: American ginseng has a nourishing Yin effect. When combined with astragalus, it can nourish Qi and Yin, moisturize the spleen and lungs, suitable for post-illness weakness or weak constitution.

4. Astragalus + Red Dates: Red dates have the effect of invigorating the middle, benefiting Qi, nourishing blood, and calming the mind. When combined with astragalus, it can enhance immunity, suitable for people with weak constitution and susceptibility to colds.

5. Astragalus + Hawthorn: Hawthorn has the functions of strengthening the stomach, aiding digestion, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis. When combined with astragalus, it can regulate immunity and lipid metabolism, suitable for people with poor digestion and weak spleen and stomach.

6. Astragalus + Ginger: Ginger has the functions of inducing sweating, resolving the exterior, and warming the middle to stop vomiting. When combined with astragalus, it can enhance the body's resistance, suitable for those who are sensitive to cold and have poor resistance.

7. Astragalus + Honey: Honey has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and moistening the intestines to facilitate bowel movements. Brewing astragalus with honey can promote bowel movements and blood replenishment.

8. Astragalus + Ginseng: Ginseng also has the effect of replenishing Qi. When combined with astragalus, it can enhance the Qi-replenishing effect, suitable for people with Qi deficiency constitution.

9. Astragalus + Ophiopogon: Ophiopogon has the effects of nourishing Yin, moistening the lungs, generating fluids, and relieving thirst. When combined with astragalus, it can nourish Qi and Yin.

10. Astragalus + Mulberry: Mulberry has the effects of nourishing blood and improving eyesight. When combined with astragalus, it is suitable for people with anemic eyes and declining vision.

11. Astragalus + Codonopsis: Codonopsis has the effects of invigorating Qi and invigorating the stomach. When combined with astragalus, it is suitable for people with poor appetite and indigestion.

12. Astragalus + Safflower: Safflower has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. When combined with astragalus, it is suitable for people with blood stasis and numbness in the limbs.

13. Astragalus + Poria: Poria has the effects of diuresis and eliminating dampness. When combined with astragalus, it is suitable for people with edema and swelling.

14. Astragalus + Honeysuckle: Honeysuckle has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying. When combined with astragalus, it is suitable for people with heat-induced colds, sore throat, and other symptoms.


3. Is it Better to Brew Astragalus with Boiling Water or Cook it?

The processing method of astragalus will affect its medicinal effects. Generally, astragalus can be extracted using two methods: brewing with boiling water and decocting.

Brewing with boiling water:

Advantages: convenient and suitable for daily consumption.

Disadvantages: Some active ingredients in astragalus may not be fully dissolved, especially polysaccharides and saponins, which have higher solubility in hot water.


Advantages: Decoction can more fully dissolve the active ingredients of astragalus into water, especially for some less soluble macromolecular components, decoction is more conducive to extraction.

Disadvantages: It requires a certain amount of time for decoction and the process is relatively cumbersome.

For daily healthcare, brewing with boiling water is more convenient and suitable for the busy modern lifestyle. If the goal is to better exert the medicinal effects of astragalus, especially in the treatment of specific diseases, decoction may be more appropriate.
