Symptoms and Regulation of Kidney Deficiency

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-03 TCMCB
Abstract:The symptoms of kidney deficiency are diverse. Traditional Chinese medical treatments include herbal medicine regulation, acupuncture therapy, massage therapy, dietary adjustments, and moderate exercise. When using traditional Chinese medical treatments, it is advisable to do so under the guidance of a doctor.


Symptoms of Kidney Deficiency:

Frequent nocturia: People with kidney deficiency often experience frequent nocturia, which may be related to deficient kidney yang. Insufficient kidney yang weakens the bladder's ability to retain urine, leading to frequent urination.

Soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees: Individuals with kidney deficiency often feel soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, as the kidneys govern bone marrow production. When the kidneys are deficient, the bones do not receive sufficient nourishment, resulting in soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees.

Dizziness and tinnitus: Those with kidney deficiency may experience symptoms of dizziness and tinnitus, as the kidneys govern bone marrow production. When the kidneys are deficient, the brain marrow does not receive adequate nourishment, leading to dizziness and tinnitus.

Insomnia and vivid dreaming: Individuals with kidney deficiency may experience symptoms of insomnia and vivid dreaming, which are caused by deficient kidney yin and internal heat disturbance.

Cold limbs and aversion to cold: People with kidney deficiency may experience symptoms of cold limbs and aversion to cold, as deficient kidney yang weakens the body's warming ability, resulting in cold limbs and aversion to cold.


Traditional Chinese Medical Treatments for Kidney Deficiency:

Herbal medicine regulation: People with kidney deficiency can improve their symptoms through herbal medicine regulation. Commonly used herbs include those that tonify the kidneys and nourish essence, nourish yin and tonify the kidneys, and warm tonify kidney yang. The specific choice of herbs depends on individual constitution and symptoms.

Dietary adjustments: Dietary adjustments are also an important method for treating kidney deficiency. Those with kidney deficiency should consume more kidney-nourishing foods, such as goji berries, black sesame, and Chinese yam, while avoiding spicy and greasy foods.

Moderate exercise: Moderate exercise can promote metabolism and blood circulation, enhancing the body's immune system. Individuals with kidney deficiency can engage in gentle exercises such as walking and Tai Chi.

In conclusion, the symptoms of kidney deficiency are diverse, and traditional Chinese medical treatments include herbal medicine regulation, acupuncture therapy, massage therapy, dietary adjustments, and moderate exercise. When using traditional Chinese medical treatments, it is advisable to do so under the guidance of a doctor.
