The symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-04 TCMCB
Abstract:Pharyngitis refers to an inflammatory condition in the throat area, commonly caused by throat infections or overuse of the vocal cords. It is a common ailment with diverse symptoms, including throat pain, cough, hoarseness, dry throat, and difficulty swallowing.

Pharyngitis refers to the inflammation of the throat and pharynx, commonly caused by throat infections or overuse of the vocal cords. It is a common condition with diverse symptoms, including sore throat, cough, hoarseness, dry throat, and difficulty swallowing. This article will provide a detailed overview of the common symptoms and commonly used treatment methods for pharyngitis.


The symptoms of pharyngitis typically appear within hours or days after infection. One of the most common symptoms is a sore throat, where patients experience a burning or painful sensation in the throat. This pain may radiate to the ears and worsen during swallowing. Coughing is another prevalent symptom, with patients experiencing either a dry or productive cough. Hoarseness or a husky voice is also a typical symptom of pharyngitis, with the patient's voice becoming husky, low, or hoarse. Additionally, dryness and pain in the throat may lead to difficulty swallowing, causing discomfort when food or liquids pass through the throat.

The treatment of pharyngitis varies depending on the severity of the condition and its underlying causes. Below are commonly used treatment methods:

Rest and keeping the throat moist:

Patients with pharyngitis should avoid excessive use of their voice and strive to keep the throat moist. This can be achieved by drinking plenty of water, inhaling steam, or using a humidifier to keep the throat moist.

Gargling the throat:

Rinsing the throat with salt water can alleviate throat pain and discomfort. Dissolve an appropriate amount of salt in warm water and gargle with the saline solution several times a day.

Mild throat sprays or lozenges:

Throat sprays and lozenges containing local anesthetics, anti-inflammatories, or analgesics can temporarily relieve throat pain and discomfort. They should be used as directed.


Avoiding irritants:

Patients with pharyngitis should avoid smoking, alcohol consumption, and the consumption of spicy or irritating foods, as these substances may exacerbate inflammation and cause further discomfort.

Mild diet:

Choose mild, easily chewable, and digestible foods, and avoid hot or cold foods and beverages. Temperature extremes in food and drinks may irritate the throat and cause discomfort.

Antibiotic treatment:

If pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, pharyngitis is mostly caused by viral infections, rendering antibiotics ineffective in most cases.

Pain relief medications:

Over-the-counter pain relief medications such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen can alleviate throat pain and discomfort. However, it is essential to consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.

Treatment of underlying causes:

If pharyngitis is caused by other underlying factors, such as allergic reactions or acid reflux, treatment should be targeted at these underlying causes. This may include antihistamines or acid-suppressing agents.

In conclusion, while most symptoms of pharyngitis resolve on their own within a week, it is advisable to seek medical advice promptly if symptoms persist or worsen. Additionally, maintaining good throat hygiene and adopting healthy lifestyle habits can help reduce the incidence of pharyngitis.
