Why does urticaria keep recurring and not get better?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-04 TCMCB
Abstract:Urticaria is a common skin condition characterized by the appearance of red, swollen welts and itching on the skin. The severity of symptoms varies, causing considerable disruption to daily life and work. However, some patients experience a recurring and persistent inability to recover. Why does this happen?

Urticaria is a common skin disease characterized by the appearance of red, swollen welts, itching, and other symptoms on the skin, which can vary in severity and cause considerable distress in daily life and work. However, some patients experience recurring and persistent inability to recover. Why does this happen?

First, urticaria is a disease that is prone to recurrence, and its causes are diverse. Causes include food allergies, drug allergies, seasonal changes, infections, and immune factors, among others. For example, some patients may be allergic to certain foods but may not easily realize it. Even after receiving treatment, they may not promptly avoid these allergens, leading to recurrent urticaria. Some patients may have irregular lifestyles or underlying diseases that have not been detected in a timely manner, leading to recurrent symptoms.

Second, the treatment of urticaria needs to consider multiple factors. Because the causes of urticaria are varied, treatment should also be based on the specific circumstances of the patient, using a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. In terms of medication, different types of urticaria require different drugs, and sometimes multiple drugs need to be used in combination. However, during treatment, it is important to ensure proper nutrition, rest, regular routines, and avoidance of stimulating foods and other external irritants, as these can affect the treatment's effectiveness and lead to recurrent symptoms.

Finally, the cure of urticaria requires proper examination and maintenance. Because urticaria tends to recur, patients need ongoing maintenance after the cure to ensure full repair and recovery of the body. Some patients may experience a recurrence of urticaria due to seasonal changes, climate variations, and other factors, thus requiring regular follow-up visits and guidance, as well as the adjustment of treatment plans, to ensure timely control and cure of the condition.

In conclusion, the reasons for the recurring nature of urticaria are complex and require consideration of multiple factors. Patients should undergo treatment under the guidance of a doctor, while paying attention to lifestyle details, maintaining good health, and adjusting their lifestyle to avoid recurrent urticaria. Regular hospital check-ups, medication adjustments, and enhanced maintenance and recovery efforts are necessary to truly cure urticaria.
