Methods for Adolescents to Use Eyes Correctly and Prevent Myopia

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-04 TCMCB
Abstract:In modern society, myopia has become a common issue affecting the visual health of adolescents. With the increasing use of electronic screens and rising academic pressure, the prevalence of myopia is on the rise year by year, bringing inconvenience to the future lives of children. Fortunately, by adopting a series of scientifically effective preventive measures, we can significantly slow down or even prevent the occurrence of myopia.

In modern society, myopia has become a common issue affecting the visual health of adolescents. With the increasing use of electronic screens and rising academic pressure, the prevalence of myopia is on the rise year by year, bringing inconvenience to the future lives of children. Fortunately, by adopting a series of scientifically effective preventive measures, we can significantly slow down or even prevent the occurrence of myopia. This article will elaborate on effective methods for preventing myopia, helping adolescents safeguard their bright vision.


1. Increase outdoor activities

Studies have shown that engaging in outdoor activities for at least 1-2 hours daily can effectively reduce the risk of myopia. Exposure to natural light promotes the release of dopamine in the retina, a key chemical for controlling abnormal eye axis growth and preventing myopia.

2. Maintain good eye habits

Follow the "20-20-20" rule: for every 20 minutes of eye usage, look at an object about 20 feet (approximately 6 meters) away for 20 seconds to relieve eye fatigue. Maintain the correct reading posture: books or screens should be at eye level or slightly below, approximately 30 centimeters away from the eyes. Ensure adequate lighting: make sure there is sufficient and soft lighting for reading and studying, avoiding direct strong light and dim environments.

3. Control screen time and optimize device usage

Use eye protection mode when using electronic devices to reduce blue light damage. Maintain an appropriate distance, with the computer screen positioned about 15-20 degrees below the eye level.

4. Balanced diet and sufficient sleep

Consume foods rich in vitamin A, C, E, zinc, and omega-3, such as leafy greens, carrots, fish, and nuts, which contribute to eye health. Ensure 8-10 hours of high-quality sleep per day to promote eye rest and repair.


5. Regular eye examinations

Even without vision problems, annual eye examinations are necessary to detect and address changes in vision early. For children showing signs of myopia, timely wearing of appropriate glasses or other myopia control measures is essential.

6. Eye exercises and vision training

Regular eye exercises enhance the flexibility of eye muscles and improve blood circulation in the eyes. Vision training programs can, in some cases, help improve vision and control myopia progression.

7. Adolescents should have a healthy learning environment

Reduce the academic burden on adolescents and avoid prolonged continuous eye usage. Maintain good ventilation and appropriate lighting in classrooms and study spaces to create an environment conducive to protecting the vision of adolescents.

8. Timely intervention for pseudo-myopia

Early intervention is necessary when adolescents experience a decline in unaided visual acuity. Pseudo-myopia can be restored using methods to reduce visual fatigue and perform ocular massages.

In summary, preventing myopia in adolescents involves a comprehensive process that encompasses lifestyle habits, environmental adjustments, and raising awareness of health. By implementing the above measures, the development of myopia can be effectively slowed down, laying a solid foundation for the visual health of adolescents. Parents, schools, and society should work together to create a growth environment conducive to protecting vision for children.
