Bread, Cake, Biscuits: Which is Healthier?

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-04 TCMCB
Abstract:Bread, cake, and biscuits are common food items in our daily lives. Some people have them for breakfast, while others consider them as snacks. When feeling hungry, some may grab them for a quick bite. Does our choice of bread, cake, or biscuits affect our health? And why should we avoid overindulging in these foods? Let's discuss these questions below.

Bread, cake, and biscuits are frequently seen in our daily lives. Some people have them for breakfast, others as snacks, and some grab them when feeling hungry. Does our choice of bread, cake, or biscuits affect our health? And why should we avoid overindulging in these foods? Let's discuss.



Firstly, bread is made from ingredients such as wheat, rye, etc., ground into flour, and then mixed with yeast, salt, or sugar, and baked, toasted, or steamed.

Secondly, bread is a high-calorie carbohydrate food, and excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. Although bread comes in various flavors, overindulgence should be avoided.

Thirdly, it's not advisable to rely solely on bread for sustenance throughout the day. It's recommended not to consume more than six pieces of bread in a day, with 1-2 pieces per serving, as excessive intake can lead to an overload of calories, resulting in obesity.



Firstly, the main ingredients of cake include eggs, sugar, wheat flour, fruit juice, milk, baking powder, and can be categorized as butter and non-butter cakes, with butter cakes further divided into plant-based and animal-based butter.

Secondly, cakes are relatively high in calories, especially butter cakes, which can contain around 300-400 calories per 100 grams. In comparison, 100 grams of cabbage has only 21 calories. Therefore, caution should be exercised in choosing and consuming cakes, especially butter cakes.

Thirdly, the difference between plant-based and animal-based butter lies in the fact that plant-based butter is synthetic. It is not advisable to consume plant-based butter cakes excessively, especially for children, as their delicate digestive systems are more susceptible. For households with children or elderly individuals, it's preferable to opt for animal-based butter cakes, albeit in moderation.



Firstly, biscuits are typically made crunchy with ingredients such as butter, milk, and sugar, with slight variations in flavor profiles.

Secondly, regardless of whether they are filled, excessive consumption of biscuits is not recommended. The quantity of biscuits consumed per day varies from person to person. Having a few pieces to alleviate hunger pangs or as a daily snack is acceptable, but due to their sugar content, overindulgence can lead to obesity. Individual circumstances should be considered.

Thirdly, excessive biscuit consumption can lead to internal heat and, due to their hard texture, may cause damage to teeth. Therefore, it's advisable to consume a moderate amount, typically three to five pieces at a time, based on personal discretion.

In conclusion, whether it's cake, bread, or biscuits, excessive consumption is not advisable. If one enjoys these items, it's recommended to pair them with vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables for a more comprehensive nutrient intake, preventing nutritional imbalances.
