A balanced diet can prevent age-related hearing loss.

It takes about {{readTime}} minute to read. It takes about {{readTime}} minutes to read. 2024-07-05 TCMCB
Abstract:Elderly individuals often experience various physical ailments. If one notices a decline in hearing sensitivity, what should be done? How can age-related hearing loss be delayed and prevented?


There is currently no effective treatment for age-related hearing loss worldwide.

Age-related hearing loss is a natural manifestation in the development of the human body, and there is currently no effective treatment available globally. In addition to wearing appropriate hearing aids, medication is also a way to improve hearing. Using drugs that improve microcirculation by dilating blood vessels, as well as the use of vitamins A, E, D, and B complex, or traditional Chinese medicine that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, nourishes the heart, calms the mind, and endocrine preparations, and lipoprotein dissolvers, along with the supplementation of zinc and iron, can also lead to some degree of improvement in the hearing of older individuals.

"However, sometimes, the issue of declining hearing may not necessarily be solely related to the ears, and patients may also suffer from other diseases. By conducting detailed examinations and treating these diseases, the patient's hearing can be improved," stated Dr. Zhenzhen Zhang.


Slowing down the aging of the ears is beneficial for preventing age-related hearing loss.

Doctors have observed in clinical practice that the incidence of age-related hearing loss is significantly higher in elderly people with high blood lipids than in those with normal blood lipids. This is because high blood lipids affect the blood circulation in the inner ear, leading to increased peroxides in the inner ear. Therefore, making efforts to maintain a low-fat diet and prevent hyperlipidemia is beneficial for preventing age-related hearing loss.

Frequent ear massages can promote blood circulation in the inner ear, delaying the aging of the ears. Massaging the earlobes, pinching the earlobes, and massaging the Fengchi acupoints on both sides of the back of the neck can help. Additionally, closing the eyes and inserting the index fingers into the ear holes, then quickly pulling them out repeatedly for 10 times, has the effect of refreshing the mind, improving intelligence, and sharpening hearing and vision. Massaging the Yifeng acupoint (located in the depression between the earlobe and the high bone behind the ear) and the Tinghui acupoint (located in the depression behind the anterior lower part of the ear screen, behind the posterior margin of the temporomandibular joint) can increase the blood circulation in the inner ear and protect hearing. It's best to massage each ear once in the morning and evening for five to ten minutes each time, and the effects will be visible with long-term persistence.

If the elderly are exposed to prolonged loud noises from machinery, vehicles, or crowded places, it can make the already declining auditory system more prone to fatigue, causing spasms in the fine blood vessels of the inner ear, reducing blood supply to the inner ear, leading to a rapid decline in hearing, and even causing noise-induced hearing loss. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should try to avoid or reduce noise interference as much as possible.

To prevent drug-induced hearing loss, middle-aged and elderly people should carefully read the drug instructions or ask the doctor whether the medication is ototoxic, and strictly adhere to the indications for medication use. They should try to avoid using ototoxic drugs such as streptomycin, kanamycin, neomycin, and gentamicin. Because the elderly have lower detoxification and excretion functions, using these drugs can easily cause ototoxicity, thereby damaging hearing. The kidneys are closely related to the decline in hearing due to kidney deficiency. The elderly should take more kidney-tonifying medications, such as Liuwei Dihuang Pills, Jinkui Shenqi Pills, Guilingji Pills, as well as walnut congee, sesame congee, peanut congee, and pig kidney congee, which are quite beneficial for protecting hearing.


Reasonable diet can delay the aging of the ears and prevent age-related hearing loss.

Reasonable control of food intake not only prolongs life but also delays the onset of age-related hearing loss. Therefore, it is very beneficial for maintaining the hearing of the elderly to eat until about 70-80% full. In order to prevent age-related hearing loss, middle-aged and elderly people should also pay attention to consuming foods that contain iron, zinc, and vitamin D in appropriate amounts in their diet.

To prevent hearing loss, it's important to consume foods rich in iron. Timely supplementation of iron can effectively prevent the decline in hearing. Foods rich in iron include black fungus, purple carrots, spinach, pig blood, mustard greens, seaweed, sesame, animal liver and kidneys, beans and their products, among others. Middle-aged and elderly people should consume these foods appropriately to prevent age-related hearing loss.

There is a certain relationship between age-related hearing loss and abnormal metabolism of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be obtained from edible mushrooms such as mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, white fungus, monkey head mushrooms, and other foods. In addition, it is important to spend time outdoors and expose oneself to sunlight to promote the production of vitamin D in the body.

There are many factors that contribute to age-related hearing loss, and zinc deficiency is an important one. Zinc is one of the 14 essential trace elements in the human body. Middle-aged and elderly people should consume more foods rich in zinc such as fish, beef, pork liver, chicken, eggs, chicken liver, apples, oranges, walnuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, soybeans, radishes, cabbage, and various seafood to delay the aging of the ears.
